中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisContentsChapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Tone and Non-tone languages2.2 Relation between Speech Perception and Production2.2.1 Relation between Perception and Production in Terms of Mind Modularity2.2.2 Relation between Speech Perception and Production in Terms of Language Transfer2.2.3 Relation between Speech Perception and Production in Terms of Age and Development2.3 Relationship between Standard Language and Varieties2.3.1 Tree Model and Wave Model2.3.2 Putonghua and Putian Dialect2.4 Research Questions and HypothesesChapter Three Experimental Study3.1 Before the Experiment (Pre-test)3.2 Participants3.3 Materials3.4 Procedure3.4.1 Tone discrimination and picture naming3.4.2 From Pitch to Tone3.4.3 From Norm to Deviation3.5 Results3.5.1 Overall discrimination vs. overall production3.5.2 Discrimination for individual tones vs. production for individual tones3.5.3 Discrimination for tone pairs vs. comparison of tone-pair values3.5.4 Individual Variation and Production Deviation existsChapter Four Discussion and Conclusion4.1 Relation between L2 Tone Perception and Production4.1.1 Relation between L2 Tone Perception and Production within the Group4.1.2 Relation between L2 Tonal Perception and Production across Two Groups4.2 Modularity of Mind4.3 Limitations and Reflections4.4 ConclusionReferenceAppendix攻读硕士学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果Acknowledgement个人简历
标签:感知与产出论文; 普通话论文; 方言论文; 声调论文; 超音段论文; 模块论文;
第二语言声调感知与产出的关系 ——来自莆田方言—普通话双语者的证据