ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT中文摘要Chapter One INTRODUCTION1.1 Brief Summary of the Influence of Cultural Correlations1.2 Dynamic connotation of baihua translation in the "May 4th" Period1.3 Usage of related terms1.4 Significance of studying the dynamic cultural correlation dominating the translation strategy1.5 Organization of the paperChapter Two LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Polysystem, power asymmetry, descriptive translation studies2.2 Foreignization, domestication and other corresponding terms2.3 Literal translation, free translation and other corresponding terms2.4 Factors defining the cultural correlation2.4.1 Patronage and censorship2.4.2 Ideology and poetics of translators2.4.3 Universes of discourse—specialty of Chinese culture2.4.4 Text-type2.4.5 Translation purpose2.4.6. Response and acceptance of readers2.4.7 Degree of outside cultural exchangesChapter Three DYNAMIC MOVEMENT OF CHINESE TRANSLATION STRATEGY THROUGHOUT HISTORY3.1 Developing procedures of Chinese translation in terms of the shift of translation strategies3.2 Buddhist translation3.2.1 Early period3.2.2 Mature period3.2.3 Other religious translations3.3 Scientific and technical translation3.3.1 Translations in the later Ming dynasty and early Qing dynasty3.3.2. Translations in the later Qing dynasty and the early governing period of Republic of China3.3.2.1. Translations after Opium War3.3.2.2 Translations in the period of "Reform Movement"3.3.3 Conclusion: Factors manipulating the translation strategyChapter Four CASE STUDY—"MAY 4TH" BAIHUA TRANSLATION4.1 Contradictions of the "May 4th" baihua translation4.1.1 Defining the "May 4th" Period4.1.2 Baihua (vernacular Chinese) and translation4.2 Factors defining the cultural correlation4.2.1 Translation purpose4.2.2 Text-type4.2.2.1 Text type of the "May 4th" Period analyzed from statistic results4.2.2.2 Theme of the translation4.2.2.3 Original countries4.2.2.4 Conclusion4.2.3 Ideology and poetics of translators4.2.4 Patronage and censorship4.2.5 Universe of discourse4.2.6 Readership4.2.7 Degree of outside cultural exchangesChapter Five CONCLUSION5.1 Overview and Implications5.2 Limitations of the study5.3 Suggestions for further researchREFERENCESAppendix IAppendix IIAppendix III
标签:翻译策略论文; 文化关系动态对比论文; 白话文翻译论文; 文化因素论文;
动态文化对比关系对翻译策略的操控 ——“五四”白话文翻译