AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Introduction1 Significance of the Study2 Structure of the Thesis.?Chapter 1 Andre Lefevere's Ideology1.1 The Ideology1.1.1 Andre Lefevere’s Rewriting Theory1.1.2 The Definition of Ideology1.2 An Ideological Approach to Translation?Chapter 2 Ying Ruocheng and His Translation2.1 A Brief Introduction of Ying Ruocheng2.1.1 Early Life2.1.2 His Experiences as an Actor and Translator2.1.2.1 Ying Ruocheng as an Actor2.1.2.2 Ying Ruocheng as a Translator2.2 The Drama Translation of Ying Ruocheng2.2.1 The Brief Introduction of Drama Translation2.2.2 Chinese –English Translation Works2.2.3 English –Chinese Translation Works2.3 His Influence on Chinese Modern Drama TranslationChapter 3 The Influence of Ideology on Ying Ruocheng’s Translation Works3.1 Influence of Political Ideology3.1.1 Teahouse3.1.2 Death of a Salesman3.2 Influence of Social Cultural Ideology3.2.1 Teahouse3.2.2 Uncle Doggie’s Nirvana3.2.3 Major Barbara3.3 Influence of Religious and Mythic Ideology3.3.1 Western Religion and Myth3.3.2 Chinese Religion and Myth3.4 Influence of Ethical Ideology3.4.1 Death of a Salesman3.5 Influence of Personal Ideology3.5.1 Translator’s Personal Interest3.5.2 Translator’s Cultural Background and Aesthetic Awareness3.5.3 Translator’s Intentions and PurposesChapter 4 The Research on Cultural Value of Ying Ruocheng and His Drama Translation4.1 On the Development of Chinese Culture and Drama4.2 Broaden Chinese Audience’s Horizon4.3 Praises on Ying RuochengChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Summary5.2 Limitations5.3 Further PlanBibliography发表论文和科研情况说明
标签:意识形态论文; 英若诚论文; 戏剧翻译论文;