英文部分摘要ABSTRACTChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background1.2 The Introduction of Australian Wool1.3 The Introduction of Australian Wool Innovation1.4 Thesis Purposes and StructureChapter 2 History and Actuality2.1 The Relocation of the International Wool Market2.1.1 The growing Australian wool production2.1.2 Demand and supply changes2.1.3 Improved international transport and communications2.1.4 The advantages of Australian wool brokers2.2 The Actuality of the International Wool MarketChapter 3 SWOT Analysis for Australian Wool Industry3.1 Strength3.1.1 Quality3.1.2 Auction system3.1.3 Appraisal system3.2 Weakness3.2.1 Lack of shearers3.2.2 Cost3.2.3 Biological and disease issues3.2.4 Other weaknesses3.3 Opportunity3.3.1 Changing faces of consumer preferences3.3.2 Steady growth of the luxury market3.3.3 Potential new use for wool3.4 Threat3.4.1 Drought3.4.2 Competitive fibers3.4.3 Increasing awareness of animal welfare3.4.4 Other threatsChapter 4 Consumer Needs & Introduction of Merino Wool Products4.1 Consumer Needs4.1.1 Practical consumer demand4.1.2 Consumer’s changes4.1.3 Future consumers4.1.4 Wool consumer attitude surveys4.2 Introduction of Merino Wool4.2.1 The important characteristics of wool4.2.2 Wool grades4.3 Introduction of Merion Wool Products4.3.1 Wool products introduction in Spin Expo 2006 in Shanghai4.3.2 Other Merino wool productsChapter 5 Segmentation & Strategic Positioning for Merino Wool Products5.1 Geographical Segmentation5.2 Segmentation by Product Function5.2.1 Professional dress markets5.2.2 Casual markets5.2.3 sports/active-wear sector5.2.4 Work-wear sector5.3 Strategic Positioning for Merino Wool Products5.3.1 Long term ‘curing of cancers5.3.2 Woven product sector casualisation5.3.3 The launch of the Australian Merino brand and brand premiumisationChapter 6 Supportive Technology6.1 Technological Situation6.2 Technological ForecastingChapter 7 Meanings to Chinese Wool Industry7.1 Domestic wool industry review7.1.1 Production review7.1.2 Consuming review7.2 Some issues of domestic wool industry7.2.1 Laggard raising method7.2.2 Influence from mutton7.2.3 No brand advantage7.2.4 Domestic wool can’t compete with the imported7.2.5 Case study: Hengyuanxiang7.3 Meaning to domestic wool industry7.3.1 Australian wool appraisal and auction system7.3.2 Consolidated operation by AWI7.3.3 Branding experiences7.3.4 Other meanings to Chinese wool industryConclusionsReferencesAcknowledgementsTHESIS PUBLISHED DURING THE MBA STUDY中文部分摘要ABSTRACT第1章 绪论1.1 背景介绍1.2 澳洲羊毛介绍1.3 澳大利亚羊毛发展公司(AWI)介绍1.4 写作目的和文章结构第2章 历史与现状2.1 世界羊毛业市场迁移2.1.1 澳洲羊毛产量的增加2.1.2 羊毛需求变化2.1.3 国际运输和通讯的改善2.1.4 澳洲羊毛经纪人优势2.2 世界羊毛业市场现状第3章 澳大利亚羊毛业的 SWOT 分析3.1 优势3.1.1 澳毛的高品质3.1.2 羊毛拍卖体系3.1.3 羊毛检验体系3.2 劣势3.2.1 剪刀手缺乏3.2.2 成本增加3.2.3 生物学疾病问题3.2.4 其它制约因素3.3 机遇3.3.1 消费者喜好的变化3.3.2 奢侈品市场的稳步成长3.3.3 羊毛的潜在新用途3.4 威胁3.4.1 其它纤维的竞争3.4.2 干旱3.4.3 动物保护意识3.4.4 其它威胁第4章 消费者需求 & 美丽诺羊毛产品介绍4.1 消费者需求研究4.1.1 消费者实际的需求4.1.2 消费者变化4.1.3 未来消费者特征4.1.4 羊毛消费者调查报告4.2 美丽诺羊毛介绍4.2.1 羊毛主要特征4.2.2 羊毛等级介绍4.3 美丽诺羊毛产品介绍4.3.1 上海 2006 纺纱博览会产品介绍4.3.2 其它美丽诺产品第5章 美丽诺羊毛产品市场细分和战略定位5.1 产品按出口地理位置细分5.2 产品按功能细分5.2.1 职业装市场5.2.2 休闲服市场5.2.3 运动服装市场5.2.4 工作服市场5.3 美丽诺羊毛产品战略定位5.3.1 长期不变地改变羊毛痼疾5.3.2 机织产品休闲化5.3.3 与知名品牌零售商合作,打“澳产美丽诺”品牌,逐渐将品牌奢侈化第6章 对国内羊毛业的借鉴意义6.1 国内羊毛业生产及消费概况6.1.1 生产概况6.1.2 消费概况6.2 国内羊毛业存在的一些问题6.2.1 饲养方式落后6.2.2 受肉羊业发展的冲击6.2.3 没有品牌优势6.2.4 受进口毛的冲击,国产毛遭到冷落6.2.5 “恒源祥”案例分析6.3 澳大利亚羊毛业对国内羊毛业的借鉴意义6.3.1 澳大利亚的羊毛检验和拍卖体系6.3.2 澳大利亚羊毛发展公司的统一运作6.3.3 品牌推广经验6.3.4 其它借鉴结束语参考文献致谢 攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录
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