摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Significance of the Study1.3 Thesis StructureChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Studies Outside China2.2 Studies Within ChinaChapter Three Subtitle and Subtitle Translation3.1 An Overview of Subtitle3.1.1 Definition of Subtitle3.1.2 Features of Subtitle3.1.2.1 Instantaneousness3.1.2.2 Popularity3.1.2.3 Without Notes3.1.3 Functions of Subtitle3.1.3.1 Informative Function3.1.3.2 Vocative Function3.2 Some Concepts of Subtitle Translation3.2.1 Definition of Subtitle Translation3.2.2 Technical Constraints of Subtitle Translation3.2.2.1 Space Constraint3.2.2.2 Time ConstraintChapter Four German Functionalist Translation Theory4.1 The History and Development of German Functionalism4.2 Hans J. Vermeer and His Skopostheorie4.2.1 Basic Concepts of Skopostheorie4.2.2 Basic Rules of Skopostheorie4.2.2.1 The Skopos Rule4.2.2.2 The Coherence Rule and the Fidelity RuleChapter Five A Case Study of the Subtitle Translation in Growing Pains5.1 An Introduction to the Sitcom Growing Pains5.2 Principles of Subtitle Translation5.2.1 A Study from Linguistic Perspective5.2.1.1 Conciseness5.2.1.2 Immediate Comprehensibility5.2.1.3 Colloquialism5.2.1.4 Individualized Language5.2.2 A Study from Cultural Perspective5.3 Strategies Applied in Subtitle Translation5.3.1 A Study from Linguistic Perspective5.3.1.1 Condensation5.3.1.2 Expansion5.3.1.3 Elimination5.3.1.4 Paraphrase5.3.2 A Study from Cultural PerspectiveChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Contribution6.2 Limitations6.3 Suggestions for Further ResearchBibliography攻读硕士期间发表论文目录Acknowledgements
标签:影视字幕翻译论文; 目的论论文; 原则论文; 策略论文; 语言层面论文; 文化层面论文;
目的论视角下的影视字幕翻译 ——以情景喜剧《成长的烦恼》为例