AcknowledgementsAbstract in EnglishAbstract in ChineseChapter One Introduction1.1 The background of the study1.2 Purpose and significance of the study1.3 Layout of the thesisChapter Two Literature review2.1 Grammar and grammar teaching2.1.1 What is grammar2.1.2 The place of grammar in language2.1.3 Studies on language grammar teaching2.2 Interactive language teaching2.2.1 Definition of interaction2.2.2 The components of interaction2.2.3 Studies of classroom interaction2.2.3.1 Patterns of classroom interaction2.2.3.2 Foreign language interaction analysis2.2.4 Advantages of interactive approach2.3 Interactive grammar teaching2.3.1 What is interactive grammar teaching2.3.2 Qualities of interactive grammar teachingChapter Three An overview of current English grammar teaching in vocational -technical colleges3.1 Questionnaires3.2 Interview of English teachers3.3 SummaryChapter Four Strategies for implementing interactive grammar teaching in vocational-technical colleges4.1 Creating an appropriate interaction environment4.2 Employing group work4.3 Mode of interactive activities in grammar teaching4.3.1 Student-to-student interaction4.3.2 Instructor-to-student interactionChapter Five Research method and design5.1 Research questions5.2 Instruments for data collection5.3 Conditions for experiment5.3.1 Subjects sampling5.3.2 Teaching conditions5.4 ProceduresChapter Six Results and discussion6.1 Analysis of student questionnaires6.2 Analysis of classroom observation6.3 Analysis of the tests6.4 SummaryChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Pedagogical implications7.2 LimitationsBibliographyAppendix IAppendix IIAppendix IIIAppendix IV
标签:语法教学论文; 交互式教学论文; 课堂互动论文; 交际能力论文;