
Abstract摘要Chapter 1 General Knowledge of Advertising and Advertising Language1.1 Definition of Advertising and Advertising Language1.2 The Function of Advertising1.3 The Classification of Advertising1.4 Literature Review1.4.1 StylisticApproach1.4.2 Semiotic Approach1.4.3 Discoursal Analysis1.4.4 Sociolinguistic Approach1.4.5 Pragmatic Approach1.5 The Significance and Structure of the thesis1.6 SummaryChapter 2 Synaesthesia2.1 General Introduction of Synaesthesia2.2 An Overview of Studies on Synaesthesia2.2.1 Studies of Synaesthesia in China2.2.2 Studies of Synaesthesia Overseas2.3 Physical and Psychological Causes of the Origin of Synaesthesia2.4 Researches in Neural Science and Medical Science2.5 Synaesthesia as a Special Kind of Cognitive Metaphor2.5.1 Conceptual Metaphor Theory2.5.2 CMT Provides a Foundation for Synaesthesia2.5.3 The Same Hypothesis: “Thought Poverty”2.5.4 The Same Cognitive Structure with Metaphor2.6 SummaryChapter 3 Synaesthesia and Advertising Language3.1 Why Do We Use Synaesthesia in Advertising?3.2 The Use of Synaesthesia in Advertising3.2.1 Verbal Advertisements3.2.2 Verbo-Pictorial Advertisements3.3 The Function of Synaesthesia in Advertising3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Conceptual Integration Theory4.1 General Introduction of Conceptual Integration Theory4.2 A Description of Some Key Terms4.2.1 Mental space4.2.2 Mapping4.2.3 Projection4.3 Model Network of CIT4.3.1 Cross-space Mapping4.3.2 Generic Space4.3.3 Blend4.3.4 Emergent Structure4.3.5 Conceptual Integration Network: surgeon as butcher4.4 SummaryChapter 5 CIT and Synaesthesia in Advertising Language5.1 Motivations for Applying CIT to Synaesthetic Metaphors in Advertising Language5.2 Integration Networks of Synaesthetic Metaphors5.2.1 Integration Network of Conventional Synaesthetic Metaphors5.2.2 Integration Network of Novel Synaesthetic Metaphor in Advertising Language5.2.3 Integration Network of Compound Synaesthetic Metaphors in Advertising Language5.3 SummaryChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.2 Proposals for Further ResearchBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:广告语论文; 通感论文; 概念隐喻理论论文; 通感与广告语论文; 概念整合理论论文;