AcknowledgementsAbstract (English)Abstract (Chinese)A List of Figures and TablesAbbreviations Used in This ThesisContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Purpose of the Study1.3 Significance of the Study1.4 Research Questions & Hypothesis1.4.1 Research Questions1.4.2 Hypotheses1.5 Definitions of Key Terms1.5.1 Output1.5.2 Defintions of Two Groups of Different Approach Learners1.6 Overview of the ThesisChapter 2 Relevant Literature Review2.1 Definitions of Language Learning and Its Relevant Theory2.1.1 Wen Qiufang's Framework2.1.2 The Author's Proposed Framework2.1.3 The Framework of Output and Second Language Learning2.2 Pure Length Measures2.3 What Is Fluency?2.3.1 Theoretical Models of Fluency2.3.1.1 Fluency from Linguistic Perspectives2.3.1.2 Fluency from Cognitive Perspectives2.3.1.3 Fluency from Sociolinguistic Perspectives2.3.2 Definitions of Oral Fluency2.3.3 Measures Concerning Oral Fluency2.3.4 Definitions of Writing Fluency2.3.5 Measures Concerning Writing Fluency2.4 What Is Accuracy?2.4.1 Definitions of Oral Accuracy2.4.2 Measures of Oral Accuracy2.4.3 Definitions of Writing Accuracy2.4.4 Measures of Writing Accuracy2.5 SummaryChapter 3 Methodology3.1 The Procedure of This Study3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Quantitative Study3.3.2 Qualitative Study3.4 The Pilot Study3.5 Data Collection and Analysis3.5.1 Quantitative Study3.5.2 Qualitative Study3.6 SummaryChapter 4 Results and Discussion4.1 Interpretation of the Research4.1.1 The Preparation for the Test and Data Collection4.1.2 Making a Start: The Pilot Study4.1.2.1 The Implementation of the Pilot Study4.1.2.2 The Results of the Pilot Study4.1.3 The Main Study4.1.3.1 The Student Attendance4.1.3.2 Some Modification of the Questionnaire and the Subjects' Choosing4.2 Data Collection and Processing4.3 The analysis of the Collected Data4.3.1 The Results of the Oral English Test4.3.1.1 Measures of Oral Fluency4.3.1.2 Measure of Oral Accuracy4.3.2 The Results of the Writing Fluency4.3.2.1 Measures of Writing Fluency4.3.2.2 Measures of Writing Accuracy4.3.3 The Qualitative Analysis of Oral Fluency4.3.4 The Qualitative Analysis of Writing Accuracy4.4 Interpretation of the Findings and Discussion4.4.1 Discssion of the Results4.4.2 Answers to the Reaserch QuestionsChapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations5.1 Conclusions5.1.1 Conclusions of the Subjects' Oral English Output5.1.2 Conclusions of the Subjects' English Writing Output5.2 Recommendations5.2.1 Recommendations for College English Teachers5.2.2 Recommendations for College English Learners5.3 Limitations and Recommendations for Further ResearchAppendixesAppendix A 英语专业三年级学生英语学习情况调查问卷Appendix B Guidelines for T-units, clauses, sentences, errorsAppendix C The Materials Of Evaluating the students' English Proficiency in Speaking and Writing skillsAppendix D Text of complete recordings with temporal variables for the four subjectsAppendix E The argument "Will modern technology, such as the Internet ever replace the book or the written work as the main source of information?" written by 6 juniorsBibliography
标签:语言产出论文; 流利性论文; 准确性论文; 二语口语论文; 二语写作论文;