Abstract摘要Introduction0.1 Motivation of the research0.2 Research purpose and significance0.3 Research methodology0.4 The structure of the thesisChapter One Literature Review1.1 Introduction of Weicheng and its English version Fortress Besieged1.2 The previous researches of the novel at home and abroad1.2.1 Researches of the novel abroad1.2.2 Researches of the novel at home1.3 Previous researches on Venuti's translation theory1.3.1 Researches of the theory abroad1.3.2 Researches of the theory at home1.4 SummaryChapter 2 The Translator's Visibility Theory2.1 The translator's invisibility in translation history2.2 The translator's visibility2.2.1 In choosing translation materials2.2.2 In choosing translation strategies2.2.3 The status and rights of the translator2.3 Contributions and limitations of the theory2.3.1 Contributions2.3.2 Limitations2.4 SummaryChapter 3 The Translator's Visibility in Fortress Besieged3.1 In choosing the novel Weicheng3.1.1 The types of translated Chinese contemporary literary works3.1.2 The status of Weicheng in Chinese contemporary literature3.2 In choosing translation strategies3.2.1 In dealing with syntactical structure3.2.2 In dealing with metaphor3.2.3 In dealing with idioms, proverbs and humor3.2.4 In dealing with culture-loaded words3.2.4.1 Words related to material culture3.2.4.2 Words related to social culture3.2.4.3 Words related to customs and habits3.3 SummaryChapter 4 Factors for the Translator's Visibility in Fortress Besieged4.1 The translation of Chinese contemporary literary works into English4.2 Reasons for the poor acceptability of the translations4.3 Possibility for the translator's visibility in Fortress Besieged4.3.1 Purpose of the translation4.3.2 The artistic style4.3.3 The social climate4.3.4 Patronage4.3.5 Attitude change of the target readers4.4 SummaryConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgement
标签:围城论文; 韦努蒂论文; 译者显形论文; 异化翻译论文;