无论在语用学还是在跨文化交际界,语用失误都是相当热门的话题。语用失误这个术语最早由Jenny Thomas提出,用来指示不解言语所云之意这种语言现象。由于语用失误可能会导致误解或交际失败,因此它值得我们加以研究和关注。到目前为止,国内外许多学者都对语用失误进行了研究,他们的发现为后来的研究奠定了深厚的基础。尽管他们取得了很大的成就,但是他们中的大多数研究者对语用失误的研究主要集中于跨文化领域,而且大部分研究都是从说话人角度进行的。目前本文旨在从顺应理论的角度分析二语习得者语用失误的成因。顺应理论不仅适用于语际交际和语内交际中的语用失误,而且兼顾说话人和听话人两个方面。当人们进行语言选择时,必须顺应交际语境的诸多因素,即语言使用者的心理世界、社交世界、物质世界以及语言本身,否则就会出现语用失误。作者通过对大学生英语语用能力的问卷调查,了解到当前学生的语用能力仍然是相当欠缺的,存在着较严重的问题。语用失误正是由于在交际过程中交际的一方或双方忽视了语言与各种语境因素的顺应造成的。因此,顺应语言使用者的心理世界、社交世界、物质世界和语言本身是交际中避免语用失误的一种有效策略。最后,作者分别针对二语学习者和外语教师提出了减少和避免语用失误的措施。
Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 An Overview of Pragmatic Failure1.1 Definition of Pragmatic Failure1.2 Classification of Pragmatic Failure1.3 Existing Approaches to the Study of Pragmatic Failure1.3.1 Studies from the Perspective of Cross-Cultural Communication1.3.2 Studies from the Perspective of Foreign Language Teaching1.3.3 Studies from the Perspective of Second Language Acquisition1.3.4 Studies from the Perspective of Cognitive LinguisticsChapter 2 An Overview of Adaptation Theory2.1 A Brief Introduction to Adaptation Theory2.1.1 A New Perspective on Linguistic Pragmatics2.1.2 Key Notions of Adaptation Theory2.2 Studies of Adaptation Theory and Its Application2.3 The Value of Adaptation Approach in the Study of Pragmatic Failure2.3.1 Problems with the Existing Approaches2.3.2 Significance of Taking the Adaptation ApproachChapter 3 Research Design and Data Analysis3.1 Purpose of the Research3.2 Subjects of the Research3.3 Method of Data Collection and the Questionnaire3.4 Procedure3.5 Data AnalysisChapter 4 An Analysis of Pragmatic Failure of Second Language Learners from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory4.1 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Mental World4.1.1 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Personality of Language Users4.1.2 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Emotion of Language Users4.1.3 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Value Systems4.1.4 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Intention of Language Users4.2 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Social World4.2.1 Failure to Make Adaptation to Social Settings4.2.2 Failure to Make Adaptation to Cultural Conventions4.3 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Physical World4.3.1 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Temporal Reference4.3.2 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Spatial Reference4.4 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Linguistic Reality4.4.1 Failure to Make Adaptation at Word Level4.4.2 Failure to Make Adaptation at Phrase and Sentence Level4.4.3 Failure to Make Adaptation at Discourse LevelChapter 5 Suggested Measures to Avoid Pragmatic Failure5.1 Measures Taken by Second Language Learners5.2 Measures Taken by Foreign Language Teachers5.2.1 Developing Students’Pragmatic Competence5.2.2 Improving the Testing Methods5.2.3 Strengthening Students’Cultural Awareness through Cultural TeachingConclusionBibliographyAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAcknowledgements
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标签:语用失误论文; 顺应理论论文; 交际语境论文; 语用能力论文;