摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Problem1.1.1 Misconception of FLT1.1.2 Imbalance between Language Knowledge and the Use of Language1.1.3 Pragmatic Failure Causes the Breakdown of Communication1.2 Research Question and Objectives1.2.1 Research Question1.2.2 Objectives1.3 Type of Research and Hypotheses1.3.1 Type of This research1.3.2 Hypotheses of This researchChapter 2 Theoretical Framework and Related Literature2.1 Theoretical Framework2.1.1 Introduction2.1.2 Speech Act Theory2.1.3 Principles of Conversation2.1.4 Politeness Principle2.2 Related Literature2.2.1 Introduction2.2.2 Current Research of Pragmatic Difference and Failure Abroad2.2.3 Current Research of Pragmatic Difference and Failure at HomeChapter 3 Method3.1 Introduction3.2 Research Questions3.3 Participants3.4 Materials3.5 Procedure3.6 Data AnalysisChapter 4 Results4.1 Introduction4.2 Pragmatic Differences and Failures at Speech Act Level4.2.1 Greeting4.2.2 Apologizing4.2.3 Introducing4.2.4 Leave-taking4.2.5 Requesting4.3 Pragmatic Differences and Failures at the Lexical Level4.4 Pragmatic Differences and Failures at the Syntax Level4.5 Pragmatic Differences and Failures at the Discourse Level4.5.1 Pragmatic Failures at the Partial Discourse Level4.5.2 Pragmatic Failures at the Whole Discourse LevelChapter 5 Discussion5.1 Introduction5.2 Sources for Pragmatic Failure5.2.1 Cultural Source5.2.2 Improper Teaching in the Classroom5.2.3 Psychological Source5.2.4 Ethnocentrism5.3 Strategies for Avoiding Pragmatic Failure5.3.1 Integrating Culture into Language Class5.3.2 Avoiding Negative Stereotyping5.3.3 Strengthening Intercultural AwarenessChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Summary6.2 Validity and Reliability6.3 Limitations and Further ResearchReferencesAppendixPublished PaperAcknowledgements
标签:语用差异论文; 语用失误论文; 语用能力论文;