1. Debate on Agriculture1.1 Current State and Issue of China's Agriculture1.1.1 The Development of China's Agriculture1.1.2 The Issue of Chinese Agriculture1.2 Policy Options for the Future: Liberalization or Protection2. Free Trade: the Theoretic World2.1 The Development of Free Trade Theory: the Hidden Tenet2.1.1 The Foundation of International Trade: Inseparable with Politics2.1.2 The Development of International Trade: Free Trade and Comparative Advantage2.2 The Flexible Believe System2.2.1 The Pursuit of Economic Power2.2.2 Free Trade: To Whose Interests?2.2.3 International Trading System: Flexible Believe Continuing2.2.4 The Turning of the Tide: Liberalization or Protection2.3 The Exception of Free Trade2.3.1 The First Challenge: Concerns of Late Industrialized Countries2.3.2 Another Challenge: Concerns of Underdeveloped Countries3. Welfare Effect of Subsidy: A Theoretic Analysis3.1 Welfare Effect of Export Subsidy3.1.1Export Subsidy Effects on Exporting Country3.1.2 Export Subsidy Effects on Importing Country3.1.3 Export Subsidy Effects on World Welfare3.2 Welfare Effect of Production Subsidy3.2.1 Reasons of Implementing Production Subsidies3.2.2 Analysis of the Welfare Effects of Production Subsidy4. Policy Chosen: In Light of the Market Imperfection4.1 Trade Policies with Market Imperfections and Distortions4.2 The Theory of the Second-Best4.2.1 First-best vs. Second-best4.2.2 Welfare Improving Policies in a Second-Best World4.3 Public Goods4.3.1 Definition of Public Goods4.3.2 GPG and Agriculture4.3.3 Public Goods and National Security4.4 Externalities4.4.1 Definition of Externalities4.4.2 Externalities and Agriculture4.4.3 Implement Subsidy Policy to Manage the Positive Externality of Agriculture5. Subsidy in Developed Countries: The Real World5.1 Subsidy in United States5.1.1 US Agricultural Policy History in a Nutshell5.1.2 1996 Farm Bill5.1.3 Toward A New U. S. Farm Policy5.2 Subsidies in EU5.2.1 Main Mechanism5.2.2 The Reason for Implementing of CAP6. WTO Regulations6.1 The Agreement on Agriculture6.1.1 Market Access: 'Tariffs Only', Please6.1.2 Domestic Support: Some You Can, Some You Can't6.1.3 Export Subsidies: Limits on Spending and Quantities6.1.4 The Least-Developed and Those Depending on Food Imports6.2 WTO Boxes Explained6.2.1 Green Box6.2.2 Amber box6.2.3 Blue box7. Agriculture7.1 The Nature of Agriculture7.1.1 Industrial Defect7.1.2 Asymmetry Accounting Theory7.1.3 Inevitable Result of Industrial Defect7.2 Agricultural Markets and Self-Correction7.2.1 Limited Ability to Adjust Agricultural Production in the Short Run7.2.2 Low Agricultural Prices not Trigger Large Increases in Demand7.2.3 Limited Ability to Reduce Agricultural Productive Capacity in the Long Run8. Agriculture in China8.1 Chinese Agriculture in A Glance8.1.1 Reform of Agriculture Policy (1978-93)8.1.2 New Agriculture Policy (1994-Present)8.2 WTO Impacts8.2.1 China's WTO Concessions8.2.2 Impact of WTO Accession8.3 Impacts of Trade Liberalization on China's Agriculture8.3.1 Defining Projection Scenarios8.3.2 Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Production, Demand and Trade8.4 Agriculture Subsidy: A MustReferenceAcknowledgements
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