ABSTRACT内容摘要Chapter Ⅰ IntroductionChapter Ⅱ Theories for Processing Trade2.1 The Theory of Absolute Advantage2.2 The Theory of Comparative Advantage2.3 Porter's DiamondChapter Ⅲ Processing Trade and its Contribution in China3.1 The definition and its categories3.1.1 Supplied Materials Processing3.1.2 Imported Materials Processing3.2 Contributions to China's economic development3.2.1 Absorbing the labor surplus in the countryside3.2.2 Drawing a great amount of foreign capital into the manufacturing industry3.2.3 Changing China's foreign trade structure3.2.4 Upgrading the whole industrial structure3.2.5 Laying a foundation for the emergence of competitive and creative Chinese domestic enterprisesChapter Ⅳ The Problems in Processing Trade in China4.1 Changed situations for the comparative advantage theories4.2 Pressures on processing trade from foreign countries4.2.1 Processing trade and international trade revenge from some developed countries4.2.2 Processing trade and criticism of China's destruction of environment4.3 The problems in processing trade per se4.3.1 The shortcomings in the governmental policies4.3.2 The weakness of supervision4.3.3 Losing the traditional comparative advantages4.3.4 Taking the lower part in the international manufacturing value chain4.3.5 Controlled by the foreign invested enterprises4.4 New challenges to processing trade from China's policies4.4.1 Narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor4.4.2 Changing the mode of production4.4.3 Adjusting industrial structureChapter Ⅴ The Development of Processing Trade in China5.1 The strategic transformation of the regional structure5.1.1 Changing the main stream of processing trade in the coastal regions5.1.2 The inland movement of processing trade-accelerating the development of processing trade in the central and western regions5.2 Trying counter OEM5.3 Changing the mode of processing trade5.3.1 Transforming to process high-tech products5.3.2 Stressing on the conception of brand to upgrade processing trade5.3.3 Gradual transforming from OEM to ODM and OBM.5.4 Developing service processing trade in China5.4.1 General introduction of service processing trade5.4.2 The advantages and disadvantages of developing service processing trade in China.5.4.3 Some suggestions on developing service processing trade in China5.5 Strengthening the cooperation between companies and banks to support the development of processing trade5.5.1 The challenges confronted by the domestic manufacturing companies and banks5.5.2 Providing financial services in the processing trade5.5.3 Supporting domestic companies to do processing trade abroadChapter Ⅵ ConclusionREFERENCESACKNOWLEDGEMENT
标签:加工贸易论文; 转变经济结构论文; 中西部地区论文; 产业结构升级论文;