Abstract (English)Abstract (Chinese)ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSChapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Reception Theory2.1.1 Reception Theory defined2.1.2 The beginning of Reception Theory2.1.3 The development of Reception Theory2.1.4 Main concepts of Reception Theory2.1.4.1 Horizon of expectation2.1.4.2 Indeterminacy of the text2.1.4.3 The roles of the readers2.1.4.4 Literary work2.2 The process of translation2.2.1 Two procedures: reception and release2.2.1.1 Information reception2.2.1.2 Information release2.2 2 A new understanding of translation processChapter Three Translator and Translation3.1 Translator's status in translation3.1.1 The traditional view of the translator3.1.1.1 Opinions on the translator's role in China3.1.1.2 Opinions on the translator's role in the West3.1.2 The present view of the translator3.1.2.1 From the view of Hermeneutics3.1.2.2 Fron the view of Deconstructionism3.1.2.3 From the view of Reception Theory3.2 Reception Theory in the process of translationChapter Four Understanding the Role of Translator under the Framework of Reception Theory4.1 Translator's different roles4.1.1 Translator as a reader4.1.1.1 Differences from the ordinary readers4.1.2 Translator as a writer4.1.3 Translator as a reviewer and researcher4.1.4 Translator as a creator4.2 Factors influencing the translator4.2.1 Subjectivity4.2.2 Target reader's reception4.2.3 Linguistic competence4.2.4 Cultural competence4.2.5 Literary competenceChapter Five ConclusionBibliography个人简历
标签:接受理论论文; 翻译过程论文; 译者角色论文;