
近些年来,随着水稻产量的提高,水稻缺钾问题不断暴露出来,缺钾已成为限制水稻产量的重要因素之一。施用钾肥固然能解决水稻缺钾问题,但使用钾肥一方面增加生产成本,另一方面由于我国和世界钾资源有限,资源耗竭将成为农业可持续发展的严重障害。另外,水稻钾营养也存在显著的基因型差异,施肥对有些品种能增产,而对另外一些品种则不能增产甚至减产。因此,研究和利用水稻钾营养的基因型差异,提高水稻对钾营养的利用效率和对低钾的适应性能力是解决水稻钾营养的有效途径。干旱是影响作物产量的另一重要因素,提高作物抗旱性和采取节水灌溉提高水分利用率是增加粮食生产的重要措施。因此,研究和探索灌溉模式和钾营养对水稻生长发育和产量形成的影响及水稻耐旱作、耐低钾的形态特征、生理特性等,对筛选水稻耐低钾基因型和水稻节水灌溉栽培,提高水稻产量具有重要的理论和实践指导意义。 本试验选用生产上推广应用的六个水稻基因型(2个籼型杂交稻,G1:两优培九和G2协优9308;4个常规晚粳稻,G3:丙0001:G4:丙0004:G5:丙9904和G6:花育1号)在不同灌溉模式(lowland和upland)下研究了钾营养对水稻生长发育、产量形成、形态特征和养分吸收的影响及其基因型差异。其主要研究结果如下: 1、钾水平和灌溉模式对水稻产量有显著影响并存在显著的基因型差异。钾肥有利于水稻增产,但增产效果因基因型而有较大差异;旱作对水稻产量的影响因钾水平和基因型而有显著差异。从本试验水稻产量结果看,两优培九较宜旱作,协优9308和丙0004对钾肥和旱作均较敏感,丙0001旱作时对钾敏感,丙9904不耐旱作、水作时对钾敏感,花育1号较耐旱作且对钾肥不敏感。 2、钾水平和灌溉模式对各产量构成因子的影响有所不同。钾肥能显著增加钾敏感基因型水稻单位面积的有效穗,水作时施钾肥效果更为显著。旱作可显著增加耐旱基因型水稻的单位面积有效穗,显著减少不耐旱基因水稻单位面积有效穗,施钾肥有降低旱作影响的趋势;钾水平和灌溉模式对每穗粒数也有显著影响并存在显著的基因型差异,其钾肥的影响与单位面积有效穗正好相反。而旱作的影响除两优培九外,有与单位面积有效穗相同的趋势;施钾肥可显著增加两优培九和丙0004的结实率,对其它基因型的影响因灌溉模式而有不同;旱作对结实率的影响是,可显著增加两优培九的结实率,不施钾肥时还显著增加协优9308的结实率,施钾肥时旱作不显著影响花育1号的结实率,但旱作会显著降低其它基因型水稻的结实率;旱作可显著降低
AbstractIntroduction and literature ReviewRICE PRODUCTION AND INPUT MANGEMENTRICE TAXONOMYEFFECTS OF POTASSIUM AND WATER DEFICIT ON RICE1. Effect of K. on morphology forming of rice root and shoot or organic construct2. Root oxidation and potassium3. Physioligical Effects of K4. Potassium and nutrient uptake in rice5. Soil potassium deficit and its effects on rice growth6. Nutrient management in rice production7. The efTects of K. application on yield and yield components8. Water management and nutrient uptake in rice9. Some morpho-physiological implications of water deficit in rice10. Effect of water deficit on upland riceGENOTYPEIC DIFFERENCE AND THE RESOURCE EFFICIENCY IN RICEExperiment1. Materials and Methods1.1 Material1.2 Experiment design1.3 Sampling and data collection1.3.1 Observation of tillering dynamics1.3.2 determination of chlorophyll content in leaf1.3.3 Determination of plant height, length and diameter of basic internode and the components of yield1.3.4 Determination of N, P and K concentration in plant:1.3.5 Determination of N, P, K. and organic matter content in soil1.4 Data processing2. Results2.1 The grain yield and yield components of different genotype rice under different K level and irrigation mode2.1.1 The grain yield of various genotype rice under different K level and irrigation mode2.1.2 The yield components of different genotype rice under different K level and irrigation mode2'> Effective panicles per m22.1.2.2 Grains per panicle2.1.2.3 Ripened grain rate2.1.2.4 1000 grain weight2.1.3 Harvest index of different rice genotype under different K. level and irrigation mode2.2 The morphological characteristics of plant stem of different rice genotypes under different K level and irrigation mode2.2.1 The plant height and distance of panicle neck node to 1st leaf collar of different rice genotype under different K. and Irrigation mode2.2.2 The growth of basic internode of different rice genotype under different K level and Irrigation mode2.2.3 The basic stem diameter of different rice genotype under different K and Irrigation mode2.3 Tiller growth and development of different rice genotype under different K level and irrigation mode2.3.1 The tiller initiation2.3.2 The most number of tiller per plant of different rice genotype under different K level and irrigation mode2.3.3 The ratio of the effective panicle number to tiller number of different rice genotype under different K level and irrigation mode2.4 The effective panicle number per plant of different genotypes of rice under different K level and irrigation mode2.5 The chlorophyll content of different rice genotype under different k level and irrigation mode2.6 The effect of different K level and irrigation mode on N, K nutrient absorption of different rice genotype2.6.1 Potassium content2.6.2 Nitrogen concentration3. Discussion3.1 Response of rice to potassium and their genotypic differences3.2 The effect of water on rice and their genotypic difference3.3 The interaction between potassium and irrigation modeReferences钾营养和灌溉模式对水稻生长发育和产量形成的影响 及其基因型差异的研究(摘要)RESUME
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标签:钾营养论文; 灌溉模式论文; 水稻论文; 生长发育论文; 产量论文; 基因型差异论文;