DedicationDeclarationAcknowledgementAbstractChinese AbstractChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 Cd chemistry and uptake by plants1.2 Effects of Cadmium toxicity to humans1.3 Effects of Cadmium toxicity on plants1.3.1 Effects of Cadmium stress on plant growth1.3.2 Effects of Cadmium stress on photosynthetic rate1.3.3 The Cadmium-induced oxidative stress and anti oxidant capacity in plants1.4 Cadmium accumulation in plant tissues1.5 Strategies for alleviating Cadmium toxicity and accumulation in crops1.5.1 Phytoremediation1.5.2 Breeding for cultivars with high tolerant and low accumulation of Cadmium1.5.3 Improving Nitrogen nutrition1.5.4 Regulation of pHChapter 2 Effect of Cd on different N fertilizer forms on growth,photosynthesis and yield of rice2.2 Materials and methods2.2.1 Experimental design2.2.2 Sampling and measurements2.2.3 Statistic method2.3 Results and analysis2.3.1 Effect of N forms on SPAD value,photosynthetic rate and leaf size under two Cd levels2.3.2 Effect of N forms on plant height and yield under two Cd levels2.3.3 Effect of N form on dry matter accumulation under two Cd levels2.4 DiscussionsChapter 3 Effect of different N fertilizer forms on oxidative stress and activities of antioxidant enzymes and grain yield of rice growing under Cd stress3.1 Materials and methods3.1.1 Experimental design3.1.2 Sampling and measurements3.1.3 Statistic method3.2 Results and analysis3.2.1 Grain yield3.2.2 Effect of Cd level and N form on Cd concentration and N accumulation in rice plants3.2.3 SOD activity3.2.4 POD Activity3.2.5 NDA Activity3.4 DiscussionsChapter 4 Rice grain quality under cadmium stress as affected by Nitrogen forms4.1 Materials and methods4.1.1 Experimental design4.1.2.Sampling and measurements4.1.3 Statistic method4.2 Results and analysis4.2.1 Effect of N forms on milling quality of rice under two Cd levels4.2.2 Effect of N forms on gelatinization temperature,amylose content and protein content of rice under two Cd levels4.2.3 Effect of N form on amino acid content in rice grains under two Cd Levels4.3 DiscussionsReferencesPublications
标签:丙二醛论文; 过氧化物酶论文; 超氧化物歧化酶论文; 生长论文; 光合作用论文; 品质论文; 水稻论文;