Abstract摘要List of abbreviationsList of figures and tablesIntroductionChapter One Literature Review1.1 Theoretical bases for aesthetic infiltration1.1.1 Aesthetic education theories1.1.2 Cognitive linguistics theories1.1.3 Krashen's affective filter hypothesis1.1.4 The national curriculum criteria for senior high school EFL teaching1.2 Current researches on aesthetic education1.2.1 Researches on aesthetic education abroad1.2.2 Researches on aesthetic education at home1.3 SummaryChapter Two Significance of Aesthetic Infiltration2.1 The present situation of basic educational reform at home and in foreign countries2.1.1 The present situation of educational reform in China2.1.2 The tendency of basic educational reform in foreign countries2.2 The problems in senior high school EFL teaching in China2.2.1 The situation of the basic education2.2.2 The problems of senior high school EFL teaching2.3 Necessity of aesthetic infiltration in senior high school EFL teaching2.4 Advantages of English aesthetic infiltration2.4.1 Fostering the students' ability in experiencing and appreciating beauty2.4.2 Increasing the students' learning efficiency2.4.3 Cultivating the students' ability of imagination,creativity and intelligence2.4.4 Developing the students' healthy psychology and promote their all-sided development2.4.5 Enlivening people's spirits2.5 SummaryChapter Three The Content of English Aesthetic Infiltration3.1 The beauty in English sounds3.2 The beauty in English letters and words3.3 The beauty in English word formation3.3.1 The beauty in compounds3.3.2 The beauty in conversion3.3.3 The beauty in derivation3.4 The beauty in figures of speech3.4.1 Phonetic stylistic devices3.4.2 Lexical stylistic devices3.4.3 Syntactical stylistic devices3.5 The beauty in humanistic perspective3.6 SummaryChapter Four The Experiment on English Aesthetic Infiltration in Senior High School EFL Teaching4.1 Purpose of the experiment4.2 Subjects of the experiment4.3 Instruments of the experiment4.3.1 Pre-experiment questionnaire4.3.2 Post-experiment questionnaire4.3.3 Post-case-teaching questionnaire4.4 Treatment4.4.1 The procedure4.4.2 A case teaching4.4.3 Techniques applied in the experiment4.5 Data collection and analysis4.5.1 Comparison of the results of pre-experiment questionnaire and post-experiment questionnaire4.5.2 Analysis of the results of post-case-teaching questionnaire4.6 SummaryChapter Five Major Findings and Pedagogical Implications5.1 Major findings5.1.1 Merits of English aesthetic infiltration5.1.2 Major problems in English aesthetic infiltration5.2 Pedagogical Implications5.2.1 Strategies for teachers in English aesthetic infiltration5.2.2 Teaching resources for English aesthetic infiltration5.2.3 Strategies for students in senior high school English learning5.3 Limitations of the research5.4 Suggestions for further researches5.5 SummaryConclusionBibliographyAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAppendix Ⅳ 攻读教育硕士学位期间论文发表情况Acknowledgements
标签:英语审美渗透论文; 高中英语教学论文; 实施策略论文;