AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentsList of AbreviationsList of TablesList of FiguresChapter One Introduction1.1 Research rationale1.2 Research questions1.3 Research methodology1.4 Outline of the thesisChapter Two Previous Studies on Adverbial Particles2.1 Theoretical level2.1.1 Grammatical studies2.1.2 Semantic studies2.2 Practical level2.3 Lexicographie level2.4 Summary and discussionChapter Three Cognitive Semantic Analysis of Adverbial Particle3.1 Introduction3.2 Key concepts in the analysis3.3 Cognitive Semantic Analysis3.3.1 Spatial away3.3.2 Temporal away3.3.3 Abstract away3.4 Summary and implicationsChapter Four Comparison of the Entries of Adverbial Particles in LDs4.1 Introduction4.2 An overview of the meanings of away4.3 Comparison of the entry of away in Big Five4.3.1 Comparison of the sense division of away in Big Five4.3.2 Comparison of the sense ordering of away in Big Five4.3.3 Comparison of the definitions of away in Big Five4.3.4 Comparison of the examples for away in Big Five4.4 Summary and discussionChapter Five Towards the Optimization of the Entries of Adverbial Particles in LDs5.1 Introduction5.2 One general principle—a cognitive perspective5.3 Tentative solutions5.3.1 Study pages5.3.2 Usage notes5.3.3 Cross-references5.3.4 A Suggested model of the entry of an adverbial particle5.4 SummaryChapter Six Conclusion6.1 A Survey of the present study6.2 Contributions of the present study6.3 Implications of the present study6.4 Limitations of the present study6.5 Further investigationsBibliographyAppendicesAppendix A:The Entry of away in OEDAppendix B:The Entry of away in Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English LanguageAppendix C:The Entry of away in TEDAppendix D:The entry away in OALD6(2000)Appendix E:The Entry of away in LDOCE4Appendix F:The Entry of away in CALDAppendix G:The Entry of away in COBUILD5Appendix H:The Entry of away in MEDAL
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标签:认知视角论文; 学习词典论文; 小品副词论文; 隐喻意义论文; 短语动词论文;
认知视角下学习词典小品副词的优化处理 ——以away为例