暗喻习语,或称习语化表达语在汉语和英语里数量很多。汉语和英语中有很多相似的对应表达方式,但是也有很多不同的表达方式。正如我们所知,任何两种不同文化都包含非常明显的不同之处,各有其独特之处,这些不同之处会为两种语言之间的翻译和文化交流带来一定困难和问题。不同的文化背景下的人们会积淀出不同的思维认知方式,而语言是思维认知的载体。因此,语言的表达方式反映了思维认知的方式。汉英两种语言里隐喻习语的不同表达方式彰显了汉英民族的不同思维认知范式。汉英隐喻习语的表达形式的同与异要到汉英民族的认知结构中去寻根究底。由于认知结构和方式不同,汉语习语和英语习语使用不同的形象比喻,这会为翻译带来困难。本论文以Lakoff (1987)提出的“理想化认知模型”(Idealized CognitiveModels, ICM)为视点来探求汉英隐喻习语构建存在同与异的成因,再以Fauconnier (1997)及Fauconnier & Turner (2002)提出的概念合成(Conceptual Blending)为视角,探究汉英隐喻习语在内在认知机制方面的同与异。通过分析英语习语和汉语习语的相似和不同点,我们可以了解两种语言中应用隐喻和形象表达结构的特点,和翻译中需要注意的问题。同化和异化,也就是意译和直译,是两种翻译方法,在何种情况下使用哪种方法一直是有争议的。根据不同习语的内在认知机制,此论文总结出了对于不对应的隐喻习语的翻译方法及注意的问题。
AbstractChapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Categories and Theories1.D efinition and Categorization of idioms1.1 Definition1.2 Categorization of idioms1.2.1 Cowie’s categorization of idioms1.2.2. Lexicogrammatical categorizations and Functional categorizations2. The cognitive linguistic view of metaphoric idioms2.1 Traditional views of idioms2.2 The Cognitive Linguistic view of idioms2.2.1 Cognitive model---the “ICM”2.2.2 Metaphoric mapping2.2.3 The conceptual mechanism of the Chinese and English metaphoric idioms2.3 The translation of metaphorChapter 3: Analysis3. Analysis3.1 Translation in category 13.2 Translation of category 2, 3, and 43.2.1 Translation in category 23.2.2 Translation in category 33.2.3 Translation in category 43.3 The homogeneity and heterogeneity of English and Chinese idioms3.3.1 The homogeneity of English and Chinese idioms3.3.2 The heterogeneity of Chinese and English metaphoric idiomsChapter 4: Translating methods4. Methods of translating metaphoric idioms4.1 Literal translation of idioms4.1.1 Advantages of literal translation of idioms in the respect of cultural exchange4.1.2 Limitations of literal translation on translating idioms4.1.3 Literal translation of idioms with footnotes4.1.4 Literal translation of idioms with the addition of explanatory phrases4.2 Free translation of idioms4.2.1 The necessity of free translation in translating idioms4.2.2 Situations for the application of free translation in translating idioms4.2.3 Problems of free translation of idioms in limiting cultural exchange4.2.4 Free translation of idioms with footnotes4.3 Combination of literal translation and free translation in translating idioms4.3.1 Maintaining the source language image by literal translation and reorganizing to suit target language expression by free translation4.3.2 Treating the main part of the idiom with literal translation and the rest of it with free translationChapter 5: Findings and Conclusion5. Findings and Implications6. ConclusionReferences:
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标签:隐喻习语论文; 理想化认知模型论文; 概念合成理论论文; 形象化结构论文; 文化论文; 字面翻译直译论文; 意译论文;
英汉暗喻成语的翻译 ——从认知机制和不同语言文化背景角度分析