摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action (TCA)1.1 Communicative Action Defined1.1.1 Communicative Subjects1.1.2 Communicative Background Information: Lifeworld1.1.3 Communicative Medium: Language1.1.4 Communicative Purpose: Understanding1.2 Theoretical Foundation1.2.1 Universal Pragmatics1.2.1.1 Three Validities1.2.1.2 Communicative Aptitude1.2.1.3 Influence on TCA1.2.2 Theory of Discourse Ethics1.2.2.1 Principle of Universalization and Principle of Discourse Ethics1.2.2.2 Influence of Discourse Ethics on TCAChapter 2 Application of Communicative Rationality (CR) in Literary Translation (LT)2.1 Literary Translation-A Special Communicative Action2.1.1 Literary Translation as a Communicative Action2.1.1.1 Language Basis of Literary Translation2.1.1.2 Double Structure of Literary Translation2.1.1.3 Openness of Literary Translation2.1.2 The Specialness of Literary Translation as a Communicative Action2.1.2.1 Two or More Than Two Lifeworlds Concerned2.1.2.2 Communication Environment: From Context to Co-text2.1.2.3 Double-role Translator2.2 Communicative Rationality and Literary Translation2.2.1 Instrumental Rationality and Communicative Rationality2.2.2 Two Ideologies of Communicative Rationality Materialized in Literary Translation2.2.2.1 Intersubjectivity2. Translator and Original Writer2. Translator and Target Readers2. Translator and Characters in the Original Text2.2.2.2 "Three Communication Levels" Translator and the Objective World2. Translator and the Social World2. Translator and the Subjective World2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Communicative Rationality Displayed in the Cognitive Process of the Translator in Literary Translation3.1 Cognition, Communication and Literary Translation3.1.1 Literary Translation as a Communication Form3.1.2 Communication as a Cognitive Process3.1.2.1 Cognition, an Interpretive Explanation for Communication3.1.2.2 Communicative Environment and Cognitive Environment3.1.3 Cognition-theoretic Account on Literary Translation3.1.3.1 Cognition of the Original Author's Communication3.1.3.2 Translator's Mental Schema3.1.3.3 Cognition Environment of the Target Readers3.1.4 Summary3.2 Cognitive Process of Literary Translation and Three Dimensionalities Guided by Communicative Rationality3.2.1 The Reading Stage3.2.1.1 Two Tasks of Reading3. Understanding of the Original text3. Sensation3. Perception3. Thinking3. Construction of the Original Schema3.2.1.2 Foundation of Reading Stage: "Morality" Dimensionality3. Standard: Truth Validity3. Phenomenon: "Pre-understanding" and Reflection3.2.2 The Intermediate Stage3.2.2.1 Probability of the Intermediate Stage3.2.2.2 Necessity of the Intermediate Stage3. Subjectivity of the Original Schema3. Necessity of Translation Schema3.2.2.3 Foundation of Intermediate Stage: "Convention" Dimensionality3. Standard: Rightness Validity3. Phenomenon: Cultural Default and Compensation3.2.3 The Expression Stage3.2.3.1 Cognitive Processing of the Translation Schema3. Co-text Planning3. Sentence Planning3.2.3.2 Foundation of Expression Stage: "Mentality" Dimensionality3. Standard: Sincerity Validity3. Phenomena: Reappearance of Aesthetic Value3.2.4 SummaryChapter 4 Case Study: C-E Translation of Ah Q Zheng Zhuan4.1 A Brief Profile of Ah Q Zheng Zhuan4.2 Specific Examples Analysis4.2.1 Cases Study Concerning the Reading Stage4.2.1.1 Comprehension in Sensation4.2.1.2 Comprehension in Perception4.2.1.3 Comprehension in Thinking4.2.2 Cases Study Concerning the Intermediate Stage4.2.2.1 Cultural Factor Orientation4. Linguistic Culture4. Cursing4.2.2.2 Social Convention Orientation4. Isomerism Relationship4. Traditional Thought4.2.3 Cases Study Concerning the Expressing Stage4.2.3.1 Language Style4. Classical and Modern Chinese4. Vulgarism4.2.3.2 Rhetoric Art4. Satire4. HumorConclusionNotesBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读学位期间主要研究成果目录
标签:交往理性论文; 文学翻译论文; 认知论文; 阿正传论文;
交往理性与文学翻译 ——基于《阿Q正传》两译本对比研究