
AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要A List of TablesA List of FiguresAbbreviationContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Psychological block1.2.1 The analysis of psychology block1.2.1.1 Psychological apprehension1.2.1.2 Psychological unconcern1.2.1.3 Psychological dependence1.2.1.4 Psychological indolence1.2.1.5 Psychological self-humiliation1.2.2 Causes of psychology block1.2.2.1 Language level1.2.2.2 Writing motivation1.2.2.3 Poor attitude towards English writing1.2.2.4 Lack of the feeling of accomplishment1.2.2.5 Teachers' inopportune feedback1.2.2.6 Lack of psychological freedom1.2.2.7 The amount of reading1.2.2.8 The amount of writing1.3 Current approach to the teaching EFL writing1.3.1 Instruction approach1.3.2 Product approach1.3.3 Comparison approach1.3.4 Process approach1.3.5 Length approach1.3.6 Four-Combination approach1.4 Current situation of teaching EFL writing in China1.5 Aim and significance of the study1.6 Layout of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 The development of Educational Psychology2.1.1 Behaviourism2.1.2 Cognitive psychology2.1.2.1 Information processing2.1.2.2 Intelligence2.1.2.3 Constructivism2.1.3 Humanism2.1.3.1 Erik Erikson2.1.3.2 Abraham Maslow2.1.3.3 Carl Rogers2.1.4 Social Interactionism2.1.4.1 Lev Vygotsky2.1.4.2 Reuven Feuerstein2.2 Krashen's Monitor Model2.3 Writing and EmotionChapter Three Cooperative Learning3.1 Definitions of CL3.2 The history of CL3.3 Some characteristics of Cooperative Learning3.3.1 Positive interdependence3.3.2 Face-to-face group interaction3.3.3 Individual (and group) accountability3.3.4 Development of small group social skills3.3.5 Group processing3.4 Techniques of Cooperative Learning3.4.1 Think/pair/share3.4.2 Student Team-Achievement Division (STAD)3.4.3 Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT)3.4.4 Jigsaw (JTG)3.4.5 Roundtable/Roundrobin3.4.6 Group Investigation (GI)3.4.7 Group Discussion (GD)3.4.8 Numbered Heads Together (NHT)3.4.9 Cooperative writing and peer response3.4.10 Learning together3.5 The current research status of CL in ChinaChapter Four Research Design and Methodology4.1 Research questions4.2 Research hypotheses4.3 Participants and time span4.4 Instruments4.4.1 Investigations with questionnaires4.4.2 Pre-test and post-test4.4.3 Interviews4.5 Stages of the experiment4.5.1 Pre-class preparation for CL4.5.1.1 Pre-test, the first questionnaire and the first interview4.5.1.2 Making students clear about the necessity of implementing cooperative learning in English teaching and learning4.5.1.3 Constructing heterogeneous CL groups4.5.1.4 Assessments4.5.1.5 The teacher's explaining and group discussion4.5.2 Procedures of implementing CL in English classroom4.5.2.1 Cooperative activities before writing4. Assigning the topic by students4. Group discussion4. Presentations4. Individual writing4.5.2.2 Cooperative activities after writing4. Peer-editing within a group4. Correcting by themselves4. Excellent work publication4. Post-test, the second questionnaire, the second interviewChapter Five Data Collection and Analysis5.1 Data collection through questionnaires and analysis5.1.1 Analysis of Questionnaire I before the experiment5.1.1.1 Learner's background(Q1-Q5) The students' attitude towards English writing (Q6-Q10) The difficulties for students in the writing process (Q11) Students' attitude towards English writing class(Q14) The situation of writing after class (Q15) The attitude toward correction (Q19-Q27) The reason why can not write the composition well (Q28)5.1.2 Analysis of Questionnaire II after the experiment5.1.2.1 Students' attitude towards English writing after implementing CL (Q1-Q4) Students' difficulties in the process of writing after implementing CL approach (Q5) The students' attitude towards CL(Q7-Q12)5.2 Data collection through tests and analysis5.2.1 Data collection though pre-test and analysis5.2.1.1 Data collection though pre-test5.2.1.2 Data analysis of pre-test scores5.2.2 Data collection through post-test and analysis5.2.2.1 Data collection through the post-test5.2.2.2 Data analysis of post-test scores5.2.3 A comparison of the two classes before and after the experiment5.3 Correlation between the improvement of students in the experimental class between pre-test and post-test and implementation of CL5.4 Data collection through interviews and analysis5.4.1 Data analysis of Interview I before the experiment5.4.2 Data analysis of Interview II after the experiment5.5 Textual Analysis5.5.1 The textual analysis of some texts from pre-test5.5.2 The textual analysis of some texts from post-testChapter Six Conclusion6.1 The findings6.2 The pedagogical implications of the findings6.3 Limitations of the research6.3.1 The researcher conducted this study only in one university, and the experimental class is only 70 persons6.3.2 The research only lasts for 18 weeks, which is not long enough to prove the effectiveness of a new teaching method6.4 Suggestions for further researchBibliographyAppendixes
标签:写作过程论文; 写作心理障碍论文; 合作学习论文;