AcknowledgementsAbstract(English Version)Abstract(Chinese Version)AbbreviationsChapter One Introduction1.1 The background of the research1.2 The general organization of the dissertationChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Language learners as cultural beings2.2 Studies on culture,language and thought2.3 Present issue2 Foreign Language Learning Model'>2.4 Gao Yihong's 1+1>2 Foreign Language Learning Model2.5 Bonny Norton's identity and investment model2.6 What does critical applied linguistic imply?2.7 Defining native cultureChapter Three Purpose and Significance of the Study3.1 Purpose of the study3.2 Significance of the studyChapter Four Hypothesis4.1 Rationale4.2 HypothesisChapter Five Methodology5.1 Methodological rationale5.2 Interviews5.3 QuestionnaireChapter Six Findings and Discussions6.1 Characteristics of the respondents6.1.1 Positiveness and openness6.2 A short description of Naxi phonetic symbol system6.3 Learner difficulties caused by the native phonetic symbols6.4 Theoretical background6.4.1 Benjamin Lee Whorf's worldviews and cryptotypes6.4.2 The implication of linguistic relativit6.5 Word order and sentence pattern of Naxi Language6.6 A survey of Naxi learners'thinking model6.7 The advantages of Naxi learners in learning English6.8 ImplicationsChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Concluding remarks7.2 Limitations7.3 Suggestions for further researchReferencesAppendicesAppendix 1: Interview questions on Naxi learners' and teaching faculty's reflections on their English language learningAppendix 2: QuestionnaireAppendix 3: Sentence patterns of the Naxi Language and English Language in contrast
标签:纳西族学习者论文; 英语学习论文; 母语文化论文; 影响论文; 启示论文;