Descriptive Chinese AbstractEnglish AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Literature Review1.2 Objective1.3 Methodology1.4 OrganizationChapter 2 Presupposition2.1 The Philosophical Origin2.2 Semantic Presupposition and Pragmatic Presupposition2.3 Theories Used to Explain Pragmatic Presupposition2.3.1 Appropriateness2.3.2 Common Ground Theory (mutual knowledge)2.3.3 Global Cancellation2.3.4 Context Selection2.4 Presupposition in the DissertationChapter 3 A Survey of Context3.1 A General View of Context3.1.1 Background Study of Context3.1.2 Sperber and Wilson’s View of Context3.2 Optimal Communicative Context3.2.1 Features of Optimal Communicative Context3.2.2 Feasibility of Building Optimal Communicative Context3.3 Function of Optimal Context3.3.1 The Interpretative Function of Optimal Context3.3.2 The Restrictive Function of Optimal Context3.4 Presupposition in Optimal Context ConstructionChapter 4 Speaker’s Intention and Optimal Context Construction4.1 Speaker’s Intention in Utterance Construction4.2 Presupposition Accommodation in Utterance Understanding4.3 Context-involved Transmission of Communicative Intention4.4 Sham Pragmatic Presupposition in Optimal Context Construction4.4.1 Speaker’s Intention and Sham Pragmatic Presupposition4.4.2 Sham Pragmatic Presupposition and Optimal Context ConstructionChapter 5 A Manipulation of Pragmatic Presupposition in Optimal Context Construction5.1 Four Theories in the Manipulation of Presupposition5.1.1 Felicity Conditions as Presuppositions5.1.2 Common Knowledge as Presupposition5.1.3 Global Cancellation and Presupposition5.1.4 Context Selection and Presupposition5.2 Contribution of Presupposition to Effective Communication5.2.1 Influence of Pragmatic Presupposition on the Shift of Information Focus5.2.2 Quantity of Pragmatic PresuppositionConclusionReferencesAcknowledgementsAppendix A: Publications During the ProgramAppendix B: Informative Chinese Abstract
标签:语用预设论文; 言者意图论文; 虚假语用预设论文; 理想交际语境论文;