摘要Abstract1 Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Research purpose1.3 Research significance1.4 Thesis structure2 Post-colonialism studies2.1 Introduction2.2 The definition of post-colonialism2.3 The background of post-colonial theory2.4 The key figures in post-colonial studies2.4.1 Edward Said: Orientalism2.4.2 Gayatri Spiwak and Homi Bhabha and their theories2.5 Significance and prospect of post-colonial studies2.5.1 Significance of the rising of post-colonial theory2.5.2 Prospect of post-colonial theory2.6 Summary3 Post-colonial translation studies3.1 Introduction3.2 The concept of post-colonial translation studies3.3 The scope of post-colonial translation studies3.3.1 Original works and translated works: the dialogue between two kinds of powerful discoure3.3.2 Gain and loss: the exit of traditional translation studies3.3.3 The identity of culture: the voice of the subaltern3.3.4 Transaltion: ideology of gender3.4 The key figures in post-colonial translation studies3.5 Different concept of translation from traditional and post-colonial models3.5.1 Traditional transaltion models3.5.2 Post-colonial transition models3.6 Political violence in translation in a post-colonial context3.6.1 The source and criticism of political violence in translation3.6.2 Embodiment of political violence in translation in a post-colonial context3.7 The manipulated translation3.7.1 Translation currency3.7.2 Translation material3.7.3 Translation strategy3.8 Summary4 A case study from a post-colonial perspective4.1 Introduction4.2 Introduction of the Bible4.3 A detailed analysis of Chinese version of the Bible4.3.1 Discovering foreignization in Chinese version of the Bible4.3.2 The tendency of colonization in transalting the Bible into Chinese4.4 Summary5 Rethinking of translation study in the post-colonial context5.1 Orientation of translation in the post-colonial context5.2 Thinking of translating Chinese classics into English in the post-colonial condition5.2.1 Significance of translation of Chinese classics into English5.2.2 The subject of translating Chinese classics into English5.3 Inspiration of post-colonial theory to translation study in China5.3.1 Internal divergences on post-colonial translation theory5.3.2 Cultural identity of post-colonial translation theorists in the West5.3.3 Post-colonial translation theory not completely suitable for cultural context in China5.3.4 Attitudes towards post-colonial translation theory5.4 SummaryConclusionNotesBibliography攻读学位期间发表的学术论文Acknowledgment
标签:后殖民理论论文; 后殖民翻译研究论文; 圣经论文; 再思考论文; 意义论文; 局限性论文;