ACKNOWLEGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Rapid Development of Interpreting Demand in China1.2 The Purpose of the Research on the Application of Relevance Theory in InterpretingChapter 2 A General Introduction of Interpreting2.1 The Definition of Interpreting2.2 The Process of Interpreting2.3 The Characteristics of Interpreting2.4 The Criteria of Interpreting2.5 The Relevance Attribute of InterpretingChapter 3 Relevance Theory3.1 General Introduction of Relevance Theory3.1.1 The Code Model3.1.2 The Inferential Model3.1.3 A Few Fundamental Assumptions of Relevance Theory3.1.4 Contextual Effects and Processing Efforts3.1.5 The Criterion of Consistency with the Principle of Relevance3.1.6 The Degrees of Relevance3.2 Some Consequences of Relevance Theory3.2.1 The First Acceptable Interpretation is the Only Acceptable Interpretation.3.2.2 Extra Effort Implies Extra Effect3.3 Relevance and Cognition3.4 Relevance and Communication3.4.1 Ostensive-inferential Communication3.4.2 Communicative Principle of Relevance3.4.3 Optimal Relevance3.4.4 Relevance-theoretic Comprehension Procedure3.5 Relevance and ComprehensionChapter 4 An Analysis of the Enlightenment of Relevance Theory on Interpreting4.1 Interpreting and the Context4.1.1 Positive Function of Context on Interpreting4.1.2 Context-based Problems in Interpreting4.2 Interpreting and Mutual Cognitive Environment4.3 Interpreter’s Performance under the Instruction of Relevance Theory4.3.1 Avoiding Offending the Audience4.3.2 Maximizing the Contextual Effect and Minimizing the Processing Effort of the Audience4.3.3 Bridging the Cultural Background Difference4.4 Criteria to Assess the Interpreter’s Performance4.5 Some Limitations of Relevance Theory in the Perspective of InterpretingChapter 5 ConclusionBibliography
标签:关联理论论文; 认知环境论文; 最佳关联论文; 语境效果论文;