Abstract摘要Chapter One General Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Focus and Task of the Present Study1.3 Research Methods of the Present Author1.4 Organization of the Present ThesisChapter Two User-friendliness:Theoretical Background2.1 User Perspective2.1.1 An introduction to user perspective2.1.2 The user,the compiler and the dictionary2.2 Reception Theory2.2.1 An introduction to reception theory2.2.2 The status and role of the reader in reception theory2.2.3 Reception theory and user-friendliness in making the C-E dictionary for advanced Chinese EFL users2.3 Corpus Theory2.3.1 Corpus and modem lexicography2.3.2 Corpus and the C-E dictionary for advanced Chinese EFL users2.4 Types of Bilingual Dictionary2.5 SummaryChapter Three User-friendliness in the Outside Matter of the C-E Dictionary for Advanced Chinese EFL Users3.1 Preface3.2 User's Guide3.3 Pictorial Illustrations3.4 Appendices3.5 Other Related Problems3.6 SummaryChapter Four User-friendliness in the Macrostructure of the C-E Dictionary for Advanced Chinese EFL Users4.1 Selection of Word List4.1.1 Selection of word list according to frequency4.1.2 Selection of word list according to the theory of semantic field4.1.3 Selection of word list according to the target user4.1.4 A Case study of the defects in the word lists in current C-E dictionaries4.1.5 User-friendly principles for the selection of word list for the C-E dictionary for advanced Chinese EFL users4.2 Inclusion of New Words and New Meanings of Existing Vocabulary4.3 Access Structure4.3.1 Alphabetization4.3.2 Cross-reference4.4.SummaryChapter Five User-friendliness in the Microstructure of the C-E Dictionary for Advanced Chinese EFL Users5.1 Pronunciation5.2 Meaning Discrimination5.2.1 Meaning discrimination in proper entries5.2.2 User-friendly devices for meaning discrimination5.3 Sense Ordering5.3.1 Traditional methods of sense ordering5.3.2 Sense ordering in current C-E dictionaries5.3.3 User-friendly sense ordering in the C-E dictionary for advanced Chinese EFL users5.4 Equivalents5.4.1 The importance of equivalents in the C-E dictionary for advanced Chinese EFL users5.4.2 Case Study of equivalents in current C-E dictionaries5.4.3 User-friendly principles for equivalents in the C-E dictionaries for advanced Chinese EFL users5.5 Illustrative Examples5.5.1 Functions of illustrative examples in the C-E dictionary for advanced Chinese EFL users5.5.2 A case study of the exemplification system in current C-E dictionaries5.5.3 User-friendliness in illustrative examples5.6 Grammatical Information5.6.1 Grammatical information encoded in Chinese headwords5.6.2 Grammatical information encoded in English equivalents5.7 Usage Labels5.7.1 Usage labels in current C-E dictionaries5.7.2 User-friendly principles for usage labeling5.8 SummaryChapter Six Conclusion6.1 A Summary of the Present Study6.2 Limitations of the Present StudyBibliographyAcknowledgements汉英学习词典内容方面的问卷调查
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标签:用户友善论文; 高级内向型汉英学习词典论文; 正文外信息论文; 宏观结构论文; 微观结构论文;