摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Significance of the study1.2 The main focus of the paperChapter Two Review of Related Literature2.1 Researches on text translation2.1.1 Definition of text2.1.2 Text linguistics2.1.3 Application of text linguistics in translation study2.2 Researches on translators2.2.1 Translators' subjectivity2.2.2 Translation processChapter Three Possible Problems Caused by the Translator's Ignorance of Text Analysis3.1 The translated version distinct from the original in style3.2 Misunderstanding of the original work3.3 Incoherence in translationChapter Four Text Awareness and Translation Practice4.1 Translator's awareness of text type4.1.1 Narrative function4.1.2 Descriptive function4.1.3 Expository function4.1.4 Directive function4.1.5 Binding function4.2 Translator's awareness of context4.2.1 The context of language4.2.2 The context of situation4.2.3 The context of culture4.3 Translator's awareness of coherenceChapter Five Text Awareness in Translation Process5.1 Basic processes in translation5.2 A case studyConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgement
标签:语篇论文; 翻译论文; 语篇翻译论文; 译者论文; 语篇意识论文;