摘要ABSTRACTIntroductionEFL Learning in ChinaThe Salient Language Transfer PhenomenaThe Research Method and OrganizationChapter One A Literature Review on Language Transfer1.1 Definition of Language Transfer1.2 The Development of the Theory and Research1.2.1 The Four Phases of the Research on Transfer1.2.2 Current Study of Language TransferChapter Two Some Key Definitions and Concepts2.1 Language Transfer2.1.1 Positive Transfer2.1.2 Negative Transfer2.2 Chinglish and China English2.3 ESL and EFL2.4 Translation and WritingChapter Three Negative Transfer Data in Writing and Translation3.1 Data Collecting and Sorting3.1.1 Description of the Data from the CET Writing3.1.2 The Negative Transfer Examples3.2 The Testifying InvestigationsChapter Four The Classification and Analysis4.1 The Classification of Negative Transfer4.2 Data Analysis4.2.1 The Ungrammatical Chinglish at Word Level4.2.2 Chinglish at Sentence Level4.2.3 The Non-idiomatic Sentences4.3 Causes of L1 Negative Transfer4.4 The Result of the Investigations4.5 Implications and ApproachesChapter Five ConclusionAcknowledgmentsReferencesAPPENDIXESI Examples with Salient Negative TransferII Translation QuestionnaireⅢ The Typical Output of the Questionnaire
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