Abstract摘要ContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 The Study on Emotional Linguistics1.2 The Research on Nonverbal Communication1.3 The Significance and Purpose of the Research1.4 The Innovation of the ResearchChapter Two Nonverbal & Verbal Communication and Context2.1 The Concept of Nonverbal Communication2.2 The Relationship between Nonverbal and Verbal Communication2.3 Nonverbal Communication and Context2.4 SummaryChapter Three The Approaches to Expressing Emotions through Nonverbal Communication in English3.1 Body Language3.1.1 Eye Movement3.1.2 Facial Expression3.1.3 Gesture3.1.4 Posture3.2 Paralanguage3.2.1 Intonation3.2.2 Stress3.2.3 Pitch3.2.4 Silence and Turn-taking3.3 Object Language3.3.1 Physical Appearance and Dress3.3.2 Accessory3.3.3 Smell3.3.4 Handwriting3.4 SummaryChapter Four The Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication Expressing Emotions in English4.1 Nonverbal Communication Being Conventional4.2 Nonverbal Communication Being Universal4.3 Nonverbal Communication Being Contradictory4.4 Nonverbal Communication Being Vague4.5 Nonverbal Communication Being Rhetorical4.6 Nonverbal Communication Being National4.7 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Conclusion of the Thesis5.2 Suggestions to English TeachingBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:情感语言学论文; 语言交际论文; 非语言交际论文;