Abstract摘要List of TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Objective of the study1.2 Rationale1.2.1 Theoretical importance of phonological research1.2.2 Practical importance of phonological awareness research1.3 General research questionsChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Definitions2.1.1 Phonological awareness2.1.2 Syllable awareness2.1.3 Onset-rime awareness2.1.4 Phoneme (or phonemic) Awareness2.2 The Relationship between ways of measurement of phonological awareness2.3 Phonological awareness and its association with reading2.4 Different linguistic levels of phonological awareness and their relations to reading ability2.4.1 The importance of phoneme awareness2.4.2 The importance of onset-rime awareness2.4.3 The importance of syllable awareness2.4.4 The Phonological Representation Hypothesis2.5 Problems unresolved and the specific questions of the present studyChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Theories of word recognition3.1.1 Dual-route Model3.1.2 Modified Dual Route Models3.1.3 Analogy Model and Connectionist Model3.1.4 Self-Teaching Hypothesis3.1.5 The heterogeneity of phonological awareness3.2 Research hypothesesChapter 4 Experiment design, data collection and data analysis4.1 Participants4.2 Instruments4.3 Procedures4.3.1 Reading ability tests4.3.2 Short-term memory test4.3.3 Phonological awareness tests4.4 Variables4.5 Data Collection4.6 Data AnalysisChapter 5 Discussion5.1 Discussion5.2 General Conclusion5.3 Implications for phonological awareness instruction5.4 Limitations5.5 Suggestions for further studyReferencesAppendix 1 Reading ability testAppendix 2 Short-term memory testAppendix 3 Phonological awareness testAcknowledgments
标签:语音意识论文; 阅读能力论文; 音节意识论文; 首音韵脚意识论文; 音位意识论文; 相关性论文;