摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Problem1.2 Research Question and Objectives1.3 Research Motivations1.4 Type of Research and HypothesisChapter 2 Theoretical Framework and Related Literature2.1 Theoretical Framework2.1.1 Introduction2.1.2 Pathological Theories2.1.3 Linguistic Theories2.2 Related Literature2.2.1 Introduction2.2.2 Works on Second Language Acquisition2.2.3 Learner Errors2.2.4 Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition2.2.5 Deaf-and-mute English as a Result of Poor Teaching and Learning Methodology2.2.6 Works on Language Pathology2.2.7 Pathological Study of English Grammar and Vocabulary2.2.8 Studies on Speech Problems in Bilingual SpeakersChapter 3 Method3.1 Introduction3.2 The Creation of Criterion and Selection of Participants3.3 Quantitative Approach and Research ProceduresChapter 4 Results4.1 Introduction4.2 Pronunciation Deficiency4.2.1 Substitution4.2.2 Omission4.2.3 Distortion4.3 Fluency4.3.1 Repetition4.3.2 Prolongation4.3.3 Pause4.4 Language4.4.1 Grammatical Mistakes4.4.2 Vocabulary4.5 Comparison between Speech Problems in Second Language Acquisition and Speech Disorders in First Language Acquisition4.5.1 Articulation Disorder4.5.2 Stutter4.5.3 Aphasia4.6 Further AnalysisChapter 5 Discussion5.1 Introduction5.2 The Possible Causes of Second Language Learners’Speech Disorders5.3 Implications on English TeachingChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Summary6.2 Validity and Reliability6.3 Limitations and Further ResearchAppendixReferencesPublished PaperAcknowledgements
标签:语言病理学论文; 二语习得论文; 口语问题论文; 语言障碍论文;