Contents摘要AbstractChapter one Introduction1.1 Background and Object of the Present Research1.1.1 Research Background1.1.2 Research Object1.2 Objectives and Questions of the Present Research1.3 Significance of the Present Research1.4 Data and Methodology1.5 Layout of the PaperChapter two Literature Review2.1 A Brief Review on Fuzziness Study in History2.1.1 Historical Findings on "Fuzziness" Before 1965 at Home and Abroad2.1.2 Relevant Researches on "Fuzzy Linguistics" after 1965 at Home and Abroad2.1.3 A Brief Summary2.2 A Focus Review of Studies on Pragmatic Fuzziness2.2.1 Delimitation and C]assification of PF2.2.2 An Overview of Current Researches on PF Based on Different Pragmatic Principles2.2.3 A Focus Review of Researches on PF Based on Linguistic Adaptation Theory2.2.4 A Specific Review of Applied Researches on PF and English Language Teaching2.3 SummaryChapter Three:Theoretical Framework3.1 Basic Notions3.1.1 Justification for "Fuzziness" as the Technical Term Adopted in this Paper3.1.2 Pragmatic Fuzziness3.2 Relevant Pragmatic Theories and Linguistic Adaptation Theory3.2.1 Cooperative Principle3.2.2 Politeness Principle3.2.3 Speech Act Theory3.2.4 Face-saving Theory3.2.5 Linguistic Adaptation Theory3.3 Theoretical Framework of the Present Research3.4 SummaryChapter Four Discussions on Pragmatic Fuzziness from the Perspective of Linguistic Adaptation Theoryin College English Language Teaching4.1 Linguistic Realization of Pragmatic Fuzziness in College English Language Teaching—Data Analysis4.1.1 Pragmatic Fuzziness Realized at the Lower Levels of Language System4.1.2 Pragmatic Fuzziness Realized at the Higher Levels via Utterances or Utterance Clusters4.2 Generation of PF by Adaptation to Communicative Context in CELT4.2.1 Generation of PF by Adaptation to Physical World4.2.2 Generation of PF by Adaptation to Mental World4.2.3 Generation of PF by Adaptation to Social World4.3 SummaryChapter Five Analysis of the Pragmatic Functions of PF in CELT and the Pedagogical ImplicationsConcerned5.1 Pragmatic Functions of PF in CELT5.1.1 Achieving the Basic Goal of Successful Communication5.1.2 Saving Face and Sticking up for Appropriateness and Politeness5.1.3 Filling Lexical Gaps and Improving the Accuracy of Verbal Expressions5.2 The Pedagogical Implications Concerned5.2.1 To Enhance Language Users' Awareness of the Fuzzy Characteristics of Language5.2.2 To Attach Importance to the Cultivation of Language Learners' Pragmatic Competence5.3 SummaryChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Research Findings6.2 Research Limitations and Suggestions for Further StudiesReferencesAcknowledgements
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标签:语用模糊论文; 语言顺应论论文; 大学英语教学论文;