AcknowledgmentsAbstract内容摘要ContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 The origin of the study1.2 Why Michel Foucault?1.3 The structure of this thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Foucauldian discourse analysis2.1.1 Foucauldian discourse2.1.2 Ways of doing Foucauldian discourse analysis2.2 Panopticon2.2.1 The architecture of panopticon2.2.2 Electronic panopticon2.3 Discipline2.3.1 Definition of discipline2.3.2 Studies on school discipline2.4 Power/knowledge2.4.1 Sovereign power and disciplinary power2.4.2 Knowledge and power as a dyad2.5 Docile Body and bio-power2.5.1 Docile body2.5.2 Bio-powerChapter Three Research Methodology3.1 Ethnography3.2 Data collection3.3 Data analysisChapter Four Data Presentation and Discussion4.1 The first-day observation4.1.1 The disciplining of time,space and signals4.1.1.1 The disciplining of time4.1.1.2 The disciplining of space4.1.1.3 The disciplining of signals4.1.2 The gaze mechanism4.1.2.1 The visible gaze4. The architecture4. "The unblinking eye"---CCTV camera4.1.2.2 The invisible gaze4. Examination4. Archives4.2 School documents4.2.1 Regulation for students' sleeping management4.2.1.1 Knowledge and power4.2.1.2 Slogans and power4.2.2 Bu Gao(An official notice)4.2.3 Cheng Nuo Shu(A commitment contract)4.3 Students' voice4.3.1 "Duo Guo Yi Jie"4.3.2 Jian Tao (Self-criticism)4.3.3 After watching "My National Entrance Examination"4.3.4 The implications of the writings4.3.4.1 Confessional practices4.3.4.2 Docility4.3.4.3 Subjectivity4.4 Network of school disciplining mechanismChapter Five ConclusionReferencesAppendicesAppendix 1 The timetable of Xin'an No.1 High School in WinterAppendix 2 Routine requirements for head teachers of Xin'an No.1 High School攻读学位期间发表的学术论文
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标签:福柯话语论文; 规训论文; 圆形监狱论文; 权力论文; 知识论文; 主体性论文;