摘要ABSTRACTChapter 1 Introduction1.1 General Introduction1.2 Research Questions1.3 Research Methodology1.4 Rationale of the Study1.5 Significance of the Study1.6 Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Studies on TV Interview Programs2.1.1 A General Survey of TV Interview Programs2.1.2 Studies on TV Interview Programs both at Home and Abroad2.1.3 A Brief Account of Larry King Live2.2 Previous Studies on Hedges2.2.1 A Historical Overview of Researches on Hedges Abroad2.2.2 Studies on Hedges at Home2.3 Studies on Linguistic Adaptation Theory2.3.1 Relevant Studies Abroad2.3.2 Relevant Studies in ChinaChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 The Working Definition and Taxonomy of Hedges3.2 A General Introduction of Linguistic Adaptation Theory3.2.1 Three Properties of Language3.2.2 Four Angles of Investigation3.2.3 Summary of Linguistic Adaptation Theory3.3 A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing Hedges in English Interview ProgramsSummaryChapter 4 Variability of Hedges in Selected Data of Larry King Live4.1 Linguistic Realizations of Hedges in Larry King Live4.1.1 Lexical Hedges4.1.1.1 Modal Auxiliaries4.1.1.2 Verbs4.1.1.3 Adverbs4.1.1.4 Adjectives4.1.1.5 Nouns4.1.2 Non-lexical Hedges4.1.2.1 Phrasal Hedges4.1.2.2 If-clauses4.1.2.3 Passive Voice4.1.2.4 Tag Questions4.1.2.5 Impersonalization4.2 Frequency of Hedges in Selected Data of Larry King LiveSummaryChapter 5 Adaptation of Hedges in Interview Conversations of Larry King Live5.1 Adaptation to Interview Settings5.1.1 The Host's Role5.1.2 The Guest's Role5.1.3 The Audience's Role5.2 Adaptation to the Mental World5.2.1 Adaptation to Various Motivations5.2.1.1 Keeping Privacy5.2.1.2 Protecting Oneself5.2.1.3 Constructing Identity5.2.1.4 Keeping other's Esteem5.2.2 Adaptation to Emotions5.3 Adaptation to the Social World5.3.1 Adaptation to Power5.3.1.1 Adaptation to Institutional Power5.3.1.2 Adaptation to Expert Power5.3.1.3 Adaptation to the Third Party's Social Position5.3.2 Adaptation to PolitenessSummaryChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.2 Implications6.3 Limitations of the Present Study6.4 Suggestions for Further StudiesAcknowledgementsPublicationsBibliographyAppendixFigures and Tables
标签:模糊限制语论文; 访谈节目论文; 语言实现形式论文; 顺应论文;
英语访谈节目中模糊限制语的顺应性研究 ——《拉里·金访谈》个案分析