Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter Ⅰ Main Framework of Lefevere's Manipulation Theory—A Shift from "Cultural Turn" to "Power Turn"1.1 "Cultural Turn" on Translation Practices Illustrated by Lefevere1.2 "Power Turn" in Translation Research Proposed by Lefevere1.3 Comparative Perspectives of Translation and Interpretation on Manipulation Issues1.4 Factors Concerning Power Issues in the Process of Interpretation Evolution1.5 Significance in Studying Power Relations in InterpretationChapter Ⅱ Feature of Source Text Power2.1 Indeterminacy of Source Text Power in Interpretations2.2 Undervalued Source Text Power in Interpretations in Chinese Tradition2.2.1 Sinicization Phenomenon in Interpretation2.2.2 Editing Interpretative Phenomenon2.3 Culture Tradition Impact upon Source Text Power2.4 Rise and Fall of Power2.4.1 Rise of Source Text Power2.4.2 Fall of Target Text PowerChapter Ⅲ Diachronic Studies of Interpreters' Cultural Orientation3.1 Diachronic Studies on Interpretations3.1.1 Diachronic Evolution of Two Strategies3.1.2 Domestication and Foreignization Cases in Interpretation3.2 Interpreters' Cultural and Power Status and Their Interpretation Output3.2.1 Impact of Power Asymmetry on Language Selection3.2.2 Audience-orientation Convention in Domestic InterpretationsChapter Ⅳ Dynamic Counteractions of Interpretative Entities—from the Perspective of Lefevere's Manipulation Theory4.1 Power Relations of Interpretative Entities4.2 Interpreters' Subjective Initiatives4.3 A New Diagram Directing Interpretation Studies from the Perspective of the Manipulation SchoolConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgments
标签:口译论文; 权力关系论文; 操控理论论文; 口译主体论文;