Abstract摘要AcknowledgementsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Purpose of the Research1.3 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Communicative Language Teaching2.1.1 Communicative Competence2.1.2 The Historical Background and Development of Communicative Language Teaching2.1.3 Two Versions of Communicative Language Teaching2.1.4 Principles and Characteristics of Communicative Language Teaching2.2 Grammar and Grammar Teaching2.2.1 The Definition of Grammar2.2.2 Grammar Teaching2.3 Integrating Grammar Teaching with Communicative Language Teaching2.3.1 The Theoretical Bases2.3.2 Studies on Integrating Grammar Teaching with Communicative Language Teaching2.3.3 Models of Grammar Teaching Based on Communicative Language TeachingChapter 3 Research Design3.1 Subjects3.2 Experimental Instrument3.2.1 Questionnaire3.2.2 Classroom Observation3.2.3 Interview3.3 Procedures of the Study3.3.1 The Data Collection of Questionnaires3.3.2 The Data Collection of Classroom Observation3.3.3 The Data Collection of InterviewChapter 4 Data Analysis4.1 Analysis of the Questionnaires4.1.1 Analysis of the Teachers' Questionnaires4.1.2 Analysis of the Students' Questionnaires4.1.3 Summary of the Analysis of the Questionnaires4.2 Analysis of the Classroom Observation4.2.1 Sample 1:the Present Simple Tense and the Present Continuous Tense4.2.2 Sample 2:Non-finite Verb(Participles,Gerund,Infinitives)4.2.3 Sample 3:Five Basic Sentence Structures and Modal Verbs4.2.4 Sample 4:the Revision Grammar Lessons4.2.5 Sample 5:the Treatment of Grammar in Listening,Speaking,Reading and Writing4.2.6 Summary of the Analysis of the Classroom Observation4.3 Analysis of the Interview4.3.1 Analysis of the Interview with the Teachers4.3.2 Analysis of the Interview with the Students4.3.3 Summary of the Analysis of the InterviewChapter 5 Findings and Suggestions5.1 Findings in the Investigation5.1.1 Main Findings5.1.2 Factors Affecting the Application of Communicative Language Teaching in Grammar Teaching5.2 Suggestions5.2.1 Developing an Effective Assessing System5.2.2 Improving the Teaching Condition in China5.2.3 Improving Teachers' Overall Ability5.2.4 Changing Teachers' Teaching Methodology5.2.5 Balancing Communicative Language Teaching with Traditional Teaching Methods5.2.6 Three Models with the Application of CLT in Grammar TeachingChapter 6 Conclusions6.1 Conclusions6.2 LimitationsReferencesAppendix Ⅰ Questionnaires for TeachersAppendix Ⅱ Questionnaires for StudentsAppendix Ⅲ ExtractsAppendix Ⅳ Interview
标签:语法教学论文; 交际教学法论文; 交际语法教学论文; 交际能力论文;