中文摘要Abstract in EnglishContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Rationale and Significance of the Research1.3 Research Methodology1.4 The Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 General Introduction to Novel Dialogue2.1.1 The Definitions of Dialogue2.1.2 The Nature of Novel Dialogue2.1.3 The Functions of Novel Dialogue2.2 Previous Studies on Novel Dialogue Translation2.3 Studies of Translation from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory2.3.1 Research on Application of the Theory to the Translation Study2.3.2 Research on the Translation of Various Genres in the Framework of the Theory2.3.3 Necessity for an Adaptation Theoretic Approach to Novel Dialogue Translation2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Introduction to Verschueren's Adaptation Theory3.1.1 Making Choices3.1.2 Three Properties of Language3.1.3 Four Angles of Investigation3.1.4 General Picture of Context3.2 Understanding Translation in the Framework of Adaptation Theory3.2.1 Translation as a Process of Continuous Choice-making3.2.2 Aspects of Adaptability in Translation Process3.3 Contextual Adaptation in Translation3.3.1 Adaptation to the Linguistic Context3.3.2 Adaptation to the Communicative Context3.4 SummaryChapter 4 A Case Study:Applying Contextual Adaptation to Translation ofNovel Dialogue4.1 Research Purposes4.2 Data Collection4.3 Data Analysis and Discussion4.3.1 Adaptation to Language Users4.3.1.1 Adapting to the Writer4.3.1.2 Adapting to the Character4.3.1.3 Adapting to the Presumed Reader4.3.1.4 Adapting to the Translator4.3.2 Adaptation to the Mental World4.3.3 Adaptation to the Social World4.3.3.1 Adapting to Social Settings or Institutions4.3.3.2 Adapting to Language Conventions4.3.3.3 Adapting to Cultural Factors4.3.4 Adaptation to the Physical World4.3.5 Linguistic Contextual Adaptation4.4 Differences of the Adaptation in Dialogues between the Source Text and the Target Text4.4.1 Differences on the Mental World4.4.2 Differences on the Social World4.4.3 Differences on the Physical World4.4.4 Differences on the Levels of Linguistic ContextChapter 5 Findings and Conclusions5.1 Major Findings5.2 Limitations of the Study5.3 Suggestions for Further StudiesBibliographyAppendixPublications During the Postgraduate ProgramAcknowledgements
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