ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 General review of the studies of pragmatic markers1.2 Previous studies on pragmatic markers1.2.1 Previous studies abroad1.2.1.1 Discourse-coherence perspective1.2.1.2 Grammatical-pragmatic perspective1.2.1.3 Relevance-Theoretical perspective1.2.2 Previous studies in China1.2.2.1 Liao Qiuzhong and K.K. Luke’s study1.2.2.2 He Ziran and Ran Yongping’s study1.2.2.3 Yu Guodong and Wu Yaxing’s study Han Geling’s study1.3 Significance and purpose of the present study1.4 Structure of the thesisChapter Two Defining pragmatic markers2.1 Earlier definitions of pragmatic markers2.2 The working definition of pragmatic markers2.3 Classifications of pragmatic markers2.3.1 Schiffrin’s classification2.3.2 Maschler’s classification2.3.3 Fraser’s classification2.3.4 Other researchers’classifications2.3.5 Classification in the Present Study2.4 Features of Pragmatic Markers2.4.1 Syntactic Features2.4.2 Lexical Features2.4.3 Phonological Features2.4.4 Semantic Features2.4.5 Pragmatic Features2.4.6 Sociolinguistic FeaturesChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 The Code Model3.2 Grice’s Theory of Implicature3.3 Relevance theory3.4 Adaptation theory3.5 Relevance-adaptation model3.5.1 Yang Ping’s relevance-adaptation model3.5.2 Relevance-adaptation model in the present studyChapter Four Study on Pragmatic markers in English public speeches based on the relevance-adaptation model4.1 Public speaking and pragmatic markers4.1.1 Defining public speaking4.1.2 Features of public speaking4.2 Pragmatic markers in public speeches4.2.1 Data source of public speeches4.2.2 Statistical approach to the data of different pragmatic markers4.2.3 Quantitative results for pragmatic markers in English public speeches4.2.4 Features of pragmatic markers in English public speeches4.3 Pragmatic markers based on the relevance-adaptation model4.3.1 Communication between speaker and audience in public speeches4.3.2 Analysis on pragmatic markers in public speeches based on the relevance-adaptation model4.3.3 Functions of pragmatic markers in English speeches based on the relevance-adaptation model4.3.3.1 Elaborative markers4.3.3.2 Contrastive markers4.3.3.3 Temporal markers4.3.3.4 Inferential markers4.3.3.5 Self-assessment markers4.3.3.6 Deference markers4.3.3.7 Conversational management markers4.3.3.8 Emphasis markers4.3.3.9 Other markersChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Findings5.2 Implications5.3 Limitations5.4 Suggestions for further researchAppendix Sources of DataBibliography
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