作者(2019)在《Electrical Characteristics of Plasma Plume During Pulse Wave Laser Welding》一文中研究指出:To detect the real-time plasma plume during pulse wave Nd:YAG laser welding, experimental studies were conducted based on asynchronous signal acquisition system. The electrical signals of the laser-induced plasma plume were obtained by a passive acquisition system. The plume was directly observed and recorded using synchronous high-speed camera. The results showed that the waveform of the signals was in accordance with the periodical laser power. The signals decreased after the laser was turned on and fluctuated relatively steadily on the stable stage and then increased to 0 V after the laser beam was turned off. The decreasing time of the electrical signals was roughly 1.0 ms, and it decreased with the increasing peak power. However, the average power had insignificant effect on the signal decreasing time.
To detect the real-time plasma plume during pulse wave Nd:YAG laser welding, experimental studies were conducted based on asynchronous signal acquisition system. The electrical signals of the laser-induced plasma plume were obtained by a passive acquisition system. The plume was directly observed and recorded using synchronous high-speed camera. The results showed that the waveform of the signals was in accordance with the periodical laser power. The signals decreased after the laser was turned on and fluctuated relatively steadily on the stable stage and then increased to 0 V after the laser beam was turned off. The decreasing time of the electrical signals was roughly 1.0 ms, and it decreased with the increasing peak power. However, the average power had insignificant effect on the signal decreasing time.
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:Electrical Characteristics of Plasma Plume During Pulse Wave Laser Welding论文