摘要AbstractContentsList of Tables and FiguresChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Rationale1.3 Objective1.4 Research Questions1.5 Methodology and Data Collection1.6 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Previous Studies on Courtroom Interpreting Abroad and in China2.2.1 Studies on courtroom interpreting abroad2.2.2 Studies on courtroom interpreting in China2.2.3 Strength and weakness of previous studies2.3 Studies on Legal Translation2.4 Previous Studies on Discourse Information2.5 Summary of Literature ReviewChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Introduction3.2 Cognitive Model of Interpreting3.3 The Model of Discourse Information Elements3.4 Theoretical Framework of the Present Study3.5 General Procedures of the Present Study3.6 Specific Procedures3.7 SummaryChapter 4 Patterns of the Changes of Discourse Information Elements4.1 Introduction4.2 Changes of Information Elements in WT4.2.1 Information loss4.2.1.1 Deduction of repeated information elements4.2.1.2 Deletion of trivial information elements4.2.1.3 Improper information loss4.2.1.4 Overview analysis of information loss4.2.2 Information enrichment4.2.2.1 Addition of agent4.2.2.2 Addition of legal explanations4.2.2.3 Addition of information elements caused by contextual reasons4.2.2.4 Clearing the references of pronouns4.2.2.5 Improper information enrichment4.2.2.6 Overview analysis of information enrichment4.2.3 Information reorganization4.2.3.1 Information reorganization caused by logical problems4.2.3.2 Information reorganization caused by different expressions4.2.3.3 Different places for modifiers4.2.3.4 Information reorganization in Wh questions4.2.3.5 Overview of information reorganization in WT4.3 Changes of Information Elements in WF4.3.1 Information loss4.3.2 Information enrichment4.3.3 Information reorganization4.3.4 Overview analysis4.4 Changes of Information Elements in WJ4.4.1 Information loss4.4.2 Information enrichment4.4.3 Information reorganization4.4.4 Overview analysis4.5 Summary of This ChapterChapter 5 Courtroom Interpreters' Decision Making in Information Processing5.1 Introduction5.2 Courtroom Interpreters' Decision Making in Decoding5.2.1 Case study focusing on the knowledge of language5.2.2 General description focusing on the knowledge of language5.2.3 Case study focusing on the knowledge of subject5.2.4 General description focusing on the knowledge of subject5.2.5 Case study focusing on the analysis5.2.6 General description focusing on the analysis5.2.7 Overview analysis of courtroom interpreter's decision making in decoding5.3 Courtroom Interpreters' Decision Making in Encoding5.3.1 Courtroom interpreters' decision making in information loss5.3.2 Courtroom interpreters' decision making in information enrichment5.3.3 Courtroom interpreters' decision making in information reorganization5.4 Relationship between Decoding and Encoding5.5 Overview Analysis of Courtroom Interpreters' Decision Making5.6 Summary of This ChapterChapter 6 Influential Factors for Courtroom Interpreters' Information Processing6.1 Introduction6.2 Objective Factors6.2.1 Linguistic differences between Chinese and English6.2.1.1 Meaning oriented or form oriented6.2.1.2 Different sentence structure6.2.2 Legal cultural differences6.2.3 Intervention of the judge6.2.4 Summary of the objective factors6.3 Subjective factors6.3.1 Interpreter's self-identification6.3.2 Interpreter's subjectivity6.3.3 Courtroom interpreters' interpreting style6.3.4 Summary of the subjective factors6.4 Summary of This ChapterChapter 7 Conclusion7.1 Summary of the Present Study7.2 Conclusion7.3 Implications7.4 Limitations7.5 Suggestions for Further StudyReferencesAcknowledgements
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标签:法庭口译论文; 信息成分论文; 信息改变论文; 译者决策论文;