Chinese AbstractAbstractChinese SynopsisSynopsisChapter One Introduction1.1 Issues Related to Spelling and Pronunciation Instruction in ESL1.1.1 Some Factors Affecting Spelling Instruction in ESL1.1.2 The Importance of Spelling and Pronunciation in Vocabulary Learning1.2 Rationale for the Present Study1.2.1 Spelling Closely Related to Pronunciation1.2.2 Teaching and Learning Problems in Middle Schools1.3 Significance of the Research1.4 Structure of the PaperChapter Two Literature Review2.1 About the Spelling2.1.1 Spelling is Linguistic System in Nature2.1.2 Spelling is an Integrating System of information2.1.3 Spelling is a Process of Rote Memorization2.2 Approaches to the Teaching of spelling2.2.1 Learning to spell by stressing patterns2.2.2 Spelling instruction advocated by Bohen&Huycke2.2.3.Phonics2.3 Foreign researches on spelling instruction2.4 Domestic researches on spelling instruction2.5 Learners' errors:About CA,EA and IL2.5.1 The theoretical background of Contrastive Analysis2.5.2 The theoretical background of Error Analysis2.5.3 Perspectives of InterlanguageChapter Three Anlytical Description of Misspelling3.1 Identification of Spelling Errors Patterns3.2 Description of Spelling Error Patterns3.2.1.Grapheme Patterns3.2.2 Phoneme Patterns3.2.3 Special Cases3.3 SummaryChapter Four Research Design4.1 Research Ouestions4.2 Research Methods4.2.1 Subjects4.2.2 Materials4.2.3 Data Collection and Analysis Method4.3 Procedure of the Study4.3.1 Preliminary Study4.3.2 Pre-test4.3.3 Instruction Period4.3.4 Post-test4.4 Results and Analyses4.4.1 The Analysis of the Results of the Pre-test4.4.2 The Analysis of the Regular Tests4.4.3 The Analysis of the Results of the Post-test4.4.4 The Analysis of the Results of the Pre-test and Post-test4.4.5 The Analysis of the Chinese-to-English Tests and Dictation Tests4.4.6 The Analysis by Error Rate4.4.7 The Analysis of the Posttest by Error RateChapter Five Discussions and conclusions5.1 General Discussion of the Main Findings5.2 Implications to Foreign Language Teaching in Middle School5.3 Limitations of the Present StudyBibliographyAppendicesAcknowledgement
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标签:拼写错误论文; 语音规则论文; 英语学习论文;