
AcknowledgementsAbstract(English)Abstract(Chinese)A List of TablesAbbreviations Used in This ThesisChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Investigation1.2 Research Objectives1.3 General OrganizationChapter Two Theoretical Rationale of MotivationPart One:Literature Review on Motivation2.1 The Definition of Motivation2.2 Categorization of Motivation from Diverse Perspectives2.2.1 Integrative and Instrumental Motivation2.2.1.1 Integrative Motivation2.2.1.2 Instrumental Motivation2.2.1.3 The Relationship between the Two2.2.2 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation2.2.2.1 Extrinsic Motivation2.2.2.2 Intrinsic Motivation2.2.2.3 The Relationship between the Two2.3 The Development of the Theories on Motivation2.3.1 Bio-Behavioral Theories on Motivation2.3.2 Social Cognitive Theory2.3.3 The Social Constructive View on MotivationPart Two:Learning Motivation and EFL Learning2.4 The Definition of Learning Motivation2.5 Relevant theories concerning Learning Motivation2.5.1 Gardner's Socio-Educational Model2.5.2 Domyei's Three-Level Categorization2.6 Specific Motivational Components and the Value in EFL Learning2.6.1 Valence2.6.2 Attribution Theory2.6.3 Self-Determination Theory2.7 The Relationship between Learning Motivation and EFL Learning2.8 The Relevant Characteristics of Adolescence2.8.1 The Definition of Adolescence2.8.2 The Divination of the Adolescence2.8.3 The Relevant Characteristics of Adolescent's Perception2.8.4 The Development of Adolescents2.8.4.1 The Development of Adolescent's Intelligence2.8.4.2 The Characteristics of Cognitive Growth2.8.4.3 The Characteristics of Psychological GrowthChapter Three Design and Implementaiton of the StudyPhase One:Research Design3.1 Introduction3.2 Research Questions3.2.1 Research Questions of Phase Ⅰ3.2.2 Research Questions of Phase Ⅱ3.3 General Rationales3.4 Hypotheses3.4.1 Hypotheses of Phase Ⅰ3.4.2 Hypothesis of Phase Ⅱ3.5 Subjects3.5.1 The Subjects of Phase Ⅰ3.5.2 The Subjects of Phase Ⅱ3.6 Instruments3.6.1 The Instruments of Phase Ⅰ3.6.2 The Instruments of Phase ⅡPart Two:The Implementation of the Study3.7 The Implementation of the Study3.7.1 Questionnaire Survey Ⅰ3.7.1.1 A Pilot Study3.7.1.2 The Implementation of Questionnaire Survey Ⅰ3.7.1.3 The Control of Extraneous Variables3.7.1.4 The Limitations of Questionnaire Survey Ⅰ3.7.2 The Case Study3.7.2.1 Introduction3.7.2.2 Methodology3.7.2.3 The Procedure of the Treatment3. The Enhancement of Extrinsic Motivation3. The Improvement of Intrinsic Motivation3.7.2.4 Questionnaire Survey Ⅱ3.7.2.5 The Control of Extraneous Variables3.7.2.6 The Limitations of the Case StudyChapter Four Data Presentation and Discussion4.1 Data Collection4.2 Data Processing4.3 The Presentation of the Investigation Results4.4 Analysis and Discussion4.4.1 Analysis and Discussion on Questionnaire Survey Ⅰ4.4.1.1 The Differences between the Three Grades4. The Influence of External Factors4. The Influence of Internal Factors4.4.1.2 The Differences between the Rural and Urban Subjects4. The Influence of External Factors4. The Influence of Internal Factors4.4.1.3 The Differences between the Genders4. The Influence of External Factors4. The Influence of Internal Factors4.4.1.4 The Impacts of Internal and External Factors4. The Impacts of External Factors4. The Impacts of Internal Factors4.4.1.5 Conclusion4.4.2 Analysis and Discussion of Questionnaire Survey Ⅱ4.4.2.1 The External Factors4.4.2.2 The Internal Factors4.4.2.3 ConclusionChapter Five Conclusion and Implications5.1 Conclusion5.2 Implications5.2.1 Implications for the Instructors5.2.1.1 Updating the Instructors' Educational Conception5.2.1.2 Adopting Innovative Teaching Methods5.2.1.3 Selecting the Suitable Teaching Materials5.2.1.4 Arousing the Learners' Interest towards EFL5.2.2 Implications for the EFL Learners5.2.2.1 Altering the Learning Attitudes5.2.2.2 Utilizing Effective Learning Strategy5.2.2.3 Building the Self-Confidence5.2.2.4 Creating Autonomy in EFL5.2.3 Implication for the School5.2.3.1 Establishing Correct English Assessment Criteria5.2.3.2 Stimulating the Teachers' Enthusiasm for Teaching5.2.3.3 Offering Suitable Environment for the Learners5.2.4 The Implications for the Family5.2.4.1 The Enhancement of the Parents' Quality5.2.4.2 The Construction of the Domestic Relation5.2.4.3 The Observance of the Fundamental Pedagogical Laws5.3 Recommendations for Further ResearchAPPENDIX Ⅰ:Questionnaire ⅠAPPENDIX Ⅱ:Questionnaire ⅡBibliography
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标签:动机论文; 高中学生论文; 外语学习论文; 激发论文;