![Application of Transaction Cost Economics to Vertical Integration in Telecommunication](https://www.lw50.cn/thumb/c62c94f1e0c9252c9e950745.webp)
Vertical integration has been an issue in telecommunication industry for decades. The local telephone industry was thought to be naturally prone to monopoly. Still today telecommunication markets around the world consist of operators organized as vertically integrated silos. Transaction cost economics (TCE) has been applied to study issues relating vertical integration in many fields. TCE suggests that the total cost that is the sum of transaction cost and production cost sometimes favor market procurement and sometimes internal supply. Firm vertically integrate to economize this total cost.Fiber technology has been deployed throughout telecommunication networks. More and more firms are deploying fiber to fulfill the ever increasing bandwidth demands of the customers. Fiber deployment increases the economy of scale for bandwidth. IP and the Internet create a large variety of services. Earlier the bandwidth was used only for voice so its specificity was high. Introduction of multiple services using the same bandwidth has lowered bandwidth specificity.Basic transaction cost model presented by Williamson is extended to observe the effects of aforementioned factors to the organization structure of telecommunication markets. Fiber deployment will increase the production cost difference. This will increase the market procurement range. Similarly the decrease in bandwidth specificity will increase the market procurement range. A mathematical model is developed to observe these effects.It has been observed that all effects favor market procurement to internal supply. Hence future telecommunication markets will be gradually divided into two groups. One group will consist of bandwidth providers and the other will consist of service providers. Thus the future telecommunication markets will be vertically disintegrated. British Telecom (BT) has initiated a comprehensive fiber deployment plan as a result of which it has started selling bandwidth to other telecommunication operators. BT wholesale is working as a separate department earning huge revenues in the sale of bandwidth to other operators.
ABSTRACTACKNOWLEDGEMENTSList of FiguresIntroductionChapter 1: Literature Review1.1 Introduction1.2 Literature review of Transaction Cost Economics1.2.1 Coase and Williamson1.2.2 Other Economists1.2.3 Empirical Work1.2.4 Critics of TCE1.3 Literature review of vertical integration in telecommunication1.3.1 Different theories of Vertical Integration other than TCE1.3.2 Vertical Integration in Telecommunication1.4 ConclusionsChapter 2: Transaction Cost Theory2.1 Introduction to Transaction Cost Economics2.2 Concept of Transaction Costs2.3 Dimensions of TCE2.4 Asset Specificity2.4.1 Site Specificity2.4.2 Physical Asset Specificity2.4.3 Human Asset Specificity2.4.4 Dedicated Assets2.5 Governance Structures2.5.1 Market Governance2.5.2 Hybrid Governance2.5.3 Vertical Integration2.6 Transaction Cost Analysis Frame work2.7 Basic Transaction Cost Model2.8 Transaction Cost Model with Economy of ScaleChapter 3: Vertical Integration in Telecommunication3.1 US telecommunication Industry - A brief History3.2 Vertical Mergers and Acquisitions3.3 Vertical Integration - Some Evidences3.4 TCE Perspective of Vertical Integration3.5 Drawbacks of Vertical IntegrationChapter 4: Current Technonology Trends4.1 Present Telecommunication Markets4.2 Deployment of Fiber4.3 Emergence of IP as a uniform Interface4.4 Availability of large number of Services4.5 TCE Perspective4.5.1 Increase in Production Cost Difference4.5.2 Availability of large variety of ServicesChapter 5: Future Telecommunication Market5.1 Introduction5.2 Mathematical Model of Basic Transaction Cost Model5.3 Mathematical Model with Economy of Scale5.4 Deployment of Fiber in telecommunication network5.4.1 Increase of Production Cost Difference5.4.2 Change in Bandwidth Specificity5.4.2.1 Change in ΔG5.4.2.2 Combined effect of change in ΔG and ΔC5.5 Future Telecommunication MarketChapter 6: British Telecom6.1 21 CN project6.2 New Organizational Structure6.3 BT Wholesale6.4 BT as a Bandwidth Provider6.5 ConclusionChapter 7: Conclusions7.1 Conclusion7.2 Significance7.3 Future WorkAPPENDIX A: Some Useful TheoremsReferencesPublished Papers
Application of Transaction Cost Economics to Vertical Integration in Telecommunication