中文摘要Abstract0. Introduction0.1 The necessity of the study0.2 The purpose of the studyO.3 The structure of the studyChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 A review of news translation1.2 A review of memeticsChapter 2 The Language Features of News Headlines2.1 A profile of news headline2.1.1 The definition of news2.1.2 The definition of news headline2.1.3 The functions of News Headlines2.2 The language features of news headlines2.2.1 The lexical features of news headlines2.2.2 The grammatical features of news headlines2.2.3 The rhetorical features of news headlines2.2.4 The cultural features of news headlinesChapter 3 A General Survey on Memetics3.1 Genesis and definition of the term 'meme'3.1.1 Memes and genes3.1.2 Definition of meme3.2 Features of successful memes3.3 The interaction between language and meme3.3.1 Language as an effective way of transmitting memes3.3.2 Meme as a motive power for language evolution3.4 The four stages of meme replication suggested by Heylighen3.4.1 Assimilation3.4.2 Retention3.4.3 Expression3.4.4 TransmissionChapter 4 The Chinese Translation of English News Headlines:Memetic Approach4.1 Characteristics of news headline memes4.1.1 Simplicity4.1.2 Novelty and distinctiveness4.1.3 Conformity4.1.4 Authority4.2 Classification of news headline memes4.2.1 Genotype of news headline memes4.2.2 Phenotype of news headline memes4.3 The translation strategies of English news headlines4.3.1 The interaction between memetic transmission and the two translation strategies: the repetition strategy and the analogy strategy4.3.2 The repetition strategy and the analogy strategy5. ConclusionBibliographyPublication during the Postgraduate ProgramAcknowledgements
标签:模因论文; 模因论论文; 模因生命周期论文; 新闻标题模因论文; 新闻标题汉译论文;