AcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要IntroductionChapter 1 A Review of Loanwords in Modern Chinese1.1 The definition of loanwords1.2 The classification of loanwords in modern Chinese1.2.1 Classification by source languages1.2.2 Classification by semantic fields1.2.3 Classification by translation methodsChapter 2 An Exploration of the Features of English-originated Loanwords in Modern Chinese2.1 A quantitative analysis of English-originated loanwords in Modern Chinese Dictionary2.2 The features of English-originated loanwords in modern Chinese2.2.1 The phonetic loanwords holding a dominant position2.2.2 The semantic loanwords maintaining a stable position2.2.3 The increasing number of hybrids giving birth to quasi-affixes2.2.4 The letter-words gaining popularityChapter 3 An Exploration of the Reasons for the Existence and Features of English-originated Loanwords in Chinese3.1 Linguistic reasons3.1.1 Chinese as an ideographic language3.1.2 The powerful compounding mechanism of the Chinese language3.2 Extra-linguistic reasons3.2.1 Social development3.2.2 Cultural compatibility3.2.3 Psychological factorsChapter 4 The Principle of Equivalence in Loanwords Translation from English into Chinese4.1 The principle of equivalence4.1.1 Nida’s functional equivalence4.1.2 Levels of functional equivalence4.2 The problem of non-equivalence between Chinese and English4.2.1 Phonetic differences4.2.2 Differences in minimal natural unit of meaning4.2.3 Morphological differences4.2.4 Differences in cultural-specific connotationsChapter 5 Strategies for Dealing with Non-equivalences between English and Chinese in Loanwords Translation5.1 Strategies for phonetic translation5.1.1 Taking into consideration the number of syllables5.1.2 Taking into consideration the choice of characters5.1.3 Adding an explanation to the phonetic loanwords5.1.4 Adding an autochthonous element to a transliteration5.2 Strategies for semantic translation5.2.1 Loan translation for polymorphemic words5.2.2 Descriptive labeling in translating monomorphemic words5.2.3 Compromising for the morphological non-equivalences5.3 Strategies for introduction of letter-wordsConclusionBibliography
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标签:外来词论文; 翻译论文; 功能对等论文; 英汉对比论文;