Abstract in EnglishAbstract in ChineseChapter one Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Purpose and significance of the study1.3 Framework of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Listening comprehension : a cognitive perspective2.2 Studies of listening process2.2.1 Studies in bottom-up processing2.2.2 Studies of top-down processing2.2.3 Studies of interactive model2.3 Schema theory and listening comprehension2.3.1 Schema theory2.3.2 Schema-Theoretic View of Listening Comprehension2.4 Two important factors that influence listening comprehension2.4.1 Background knowledge2.4.2 Language proficiency2.4.3 Studies of effectsof background knowledge and language proficiency on EFL listening comprehension2.5 Summary of the literature reviewChapter Three Research Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Background questionnaire3.3.2 Listening passages3.3.3 Interview data3.4 Procedures3.4.1 Data collection3.4.2 Data AnalysisChapter Four Data results and discussions4.1 Descriptive statistics of the results4.2 Results of Hypothesis 14.3 Results of Hypothesis 24.4 Results of hypothesis 3 and hypothesis 4Chapter Five Conclusion and Implications5.1 Major findings of the study5.2 Implications5.2.1 Awareness of the importance of background knowledge5.2.2 Appropriate way of activating students’background knowledge5.2.3 Improvement of students’linguistic competence5.3 Limitations and suggestions for future researchBibliographyAppendix IAppendix IIAppendix IIIAcknowledgements
标签:背景知识论文; 语言水平论文; 图式理论论文;