本研究借助于翻译伦理的理论,以James Legge与辜鸿铭所译《论语》的不同版本为案例,深入探讨中国典籍英译应该遵循何种原则的问题。本文在对中国典籍英译的研究进行简单回顾和分析的基础上,通过James Legge与辜鸿铭所译《论语》的不同译文在语言及文化层面上的分析,明确指出中国典籍英译应遵循翻译伦理的原则,具体来说就是在典籍英译中同时遵循再现伦理、交际伦理、服务伦理、基于规范伦理和承诺伦理。同时,本文作者根据Chesterman的翻译伦理观,在对二者译文进行分析后指出,在翻译实践中,这些伦理之间可能会发生冲突,解决这些冲突的有效方法就是应遵循承诺伦理优先的原则。作者期待此研究能对中国典籍英译质量的提高和对典籍英译的进一步研究有所裨益。
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAbstract摘要CHAPTER Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION1.1 Research Significance1.2 Objective of the Research1.3 Framework of the ThesisCHAPTER Ⅱ. LITERATURE REVIEWCHAPTER Ⅲ. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK: TRANSLATION ETHICS3.1 Translation Ethics3.1.1 What is Ethics?3.1.2 Translation Ethics3.1.3 The Ethics-oriented Translation Studies3.2 Andrew Chesterman's View on Translation Ethics3.2.1 Ethics of Representation3.2.2 Ethics of Service3.2.3 Ethics of Communication3.2.4 Ethics of Norm-based3.2.5 Ethics of Commitment3.3 Influence of Translation Ethics on Translation Studies in ChinaCHAPTER Ⅳ. ANALYSIS OF TRANSLATION ETHICS IN THE ANALECTS4.1 Introduction to The Analects4.2 Translation of The Analects4.3 Analysis of Translation Ethics in The Analects4.3.1 Linguistic Level4.3.1.1 Key Terms4.3.1.2 Sentence Pattern4.3.2 Cultural Level4.3.2.1 In the Translation of Proper Names4.3.2.2 In the Translation of Religious Culture4.3.2.3 In Terms of Customs and HabitsCHAPTER Ⅴ. PRINCIPLE FOR CHINESE CLASSICS TRANSLATION5.1 The Guiding Principle5.2 The Application of the Principle in Chinese Classics Translation5.3 The Contradiction between Different Translation Ethics Modals5.3.1 The Contradiction between Ethics of Representation and Ethics of Communication5.3.2 The Contradiction between Ethics of Representation and Ethics of Service5.3.3 The Contradiction between Ethics of Representation and Norm-based Ethics5.3.4 Solutions to the ContradictionsCHAPTER Ⅵ. CONCLUSIONBIBLIOGRAPHY
标签:中国典籍英译论文; 论语译本分析论文; 翻译伦理原则论文;
On the Translation of Chinese Classics in English Exemplified with the English Versions of the Analects ——From the Perspective of Translation Ethics