AcknowledgementsAbstract(English)Abstract(Chinese)Figures and TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Purpose of the study1.2 The significance of the study1.3 The organization of the studyChapter 2 Literature review2.1 Researches on negotiation of meaning abroad2.1.1 Negotiation of meaning2.1.1.1 Negotiation of meaning in daily life2.1.1.2 Negotiation of meaning from the perspective of cognition2.1.1.3 Negotiation of meaning from the perspective of interaction2.1.2 Researches on negotiation of meaning in the second language acquisition2.1.2.1 Negotiation of meaning and the interaction hypothesis2.1.2.2 Negotiation of meaning and output2.1.2.3 Negotiation of meaning and the vocabulary acquisition2.1.3 Researches on classification of negotiation of meaning2.1.4 Researches on modes of negotiation of meaning2.1.5 Researches on ways of negotiation of meaning2.2 Researches on negotiation of meaning at home2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Reflections on the researches on negotiation of meaning3.1 The reasons behind criticisms on negotiation of meaning3.2 New ways of negotiation of meaning in this paper3.2.1 The use of L 1 as anew way of negotiation of meaning3.2.1.1 The supportive theory for the use of L13.2.1.2 The supportive experiments3.2.2 Pause as another new way of negotiation of meaning3.3 HypothesisChapter 4 Methodology4.1 The present study4.2 Subjects4.2.1 Selection4.2.2 Students' background4.3 Instrument4.3.1 Questionnaire4.3.1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires4.3.1.2 The design of the questionnaire in the paper4.3.2 Transcription4.3.3 Vocabulary tests4.3.3.1 The design of vocabulary tests in the paper4.4 Procedure of the study in this paper4.4.1 Procedure of the questionnaire4.4.2 Procedure of the transcription4.4.3 Procedure of the tests4.5 Ethical issuesChapter 5 Results and Discussion5.1 Results of the questionnaires and the tests5.2 Effects of negotiation of meaning5.2.1 Effects of negotiation of meaning on comprehension5.2.2 Effects of negotiation of meaning on affective5.2.3 Effects of negotiation of meaning on the vocabulary acquisition5.3 Discussion5.3.1 Hypothesis 1:5.3.2 Hypothesis 2:5.3.3 Hypothesis 3:Chapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Findings6.2 Implications of this study6.3 Limitations of this study6.4 Further studies for the futureBibliographyAppendixAppendix 1Appendix 2Appendix 3Appendix 4Appendix 5Appendix 6Appendix 7Appendix 8攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录
标签:意义协商论文; 母语使用论文; 停顿论文; 可理解输入论文; 词汇习得论文; 意义协商频率论文;
意义协商在外语教学与学习中的作用 ——基于词汇习得的一次实证研究