
- 答:有一篇施工监控的论文,你查收一下吧,希望对你有用!
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问:工程管理专业英语的翻译 中译英 (谢绝翻译器 答得好还有追加分 )
- 答:1, dual work plan, line work, nodes represent the beginning and ending of
2, according to the requirements of the contract, the Contractor shallwork test all field at home and abroad (material)
3, the project participants include the owner, designer, supervisor,contractor etc.
4, the project after pletion of the Contractor shall prepare all inspection file transfer
5, the contractor mainly choose to perform all or part of construction project oneself, also can put all construction project to the subcontractor,his only as a manager
6, the single work, nodes represent the work, said the logical relationship between line
7, due to plexity of the technology and the site for the design changes during construction is mon
- 答:1. 本文是以传统项目的‘设计-投标-建设野清银’模式为背景撰写的。
个人观点,仅供参考。 - 答:手工翻译,供参考选用:
1. 本文是依据传统的设计-投标-建设工程模式而撰写的。
2. 在一些里程碑式的重大设计中,如果能够识别这些变动并且已采取了明智的行凯亏动,那么这就是可能的。
3. 核查预算/范围校盯锋神正,从而使工程重新回到正常的轨道上来,或者额外预算有可能批准的话,也可以向业主证明这些额外费用是合情合理的基磨。