摘要Abstract1 Introduction1.1 Significance of the Research1.2 Organization of the Thesis2 Literature Review2.1 Review of the Studies on Translation Strategy2.2 Cultural and Postcolonial Turns in Translation Studies3 Postcolonial Theory and Postcolonial Translation Studies3.1 Postcolonial Theory3.2 Postcolonial Translation Studies3.3 Advantages of Applying Postcolonial Theory to Translation Studies4 Translation Strategy (I): Domestication and Foreignization4.1 An Analysis of Lawrence Venuti’s View: Domestication and Foreignization4.1.1 Definition of Domestication and Foreignization4.1.2 A Brief Analysis of Lawrence Venuti’s View4.2 Application of Domestication and Foreignization from the Postcolonial Perspective4.2.1 Domestication and Foreignization in the Western Countries4.2.2 Domestication and Foreignizaiton in the Third World Nations4.3 Problems with the Dichotomy of Domestication and Foreignization5 Translation Strategy (II): Hybridity5.1 Definition and Theoretic Supports of Hybridity Translation Strategy5.1.1 Definition of Hybridity Translation Strategy5.1.2 Theoretic Supports of Hybridity Translation Strategy—Inbetweenness or Third Space5.2 Hybridity Translation Strategy from the Postcolonial Perspective5.2.1 The Inevitability of Hybridity Translation Strategy5.2.2 Practical Use of Hybridity Translation Strategy5.3 The Advantages of Hybridity Translation Strategy over Domestication or Foreignization6 ConclusionBibliographyAcademic AchievementsAcknowledgments
标签:后殖民视角论文; 翻译策略论文; 归化论文; 异化论文; 杂合化论文;